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Bill Wessale
(43 posts)

01/10/2014 11:28AM

Main British Car:
1968 Spitfire GT6 BOP 215 / Rover of some lineage

Posted by: GT8MX
Date: January 11, 2015 12:12PM

Is it possible to search a Forum? I don't see a way to do that presented in my browser page.



Calvin Grannis
Elk Grove,CA
(1151 posts)

11/10/2007 10:05AM

Main British Car:
74 TR6 / 71 MGB GT TR6/Ls1 71 MGB GT/Ls1

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Re: Searching?
Posted by: 74ls1tr6
Date: January 11, 2015 12:33PM

Hi Bill,

The search is at the top of each page in the header to the right, just under British racecar

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4595 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: Searching?
Posted by: Moderator
Date: January 11, 2015 03:33PM

I don't know off hand how to strictly restrict a search to a particular sub-forum, but it's not hard to bias search results toward one sub-forum over all others.

Suppose your intended keyword is "Brenda" but for some reason you prefer results from the MG sub-forum over results from the Triumph sub-forum (or vice versa). For MG results, enter "php?2 Brenda" into the Google search box. For Triumph results enter "php?3 Brenda". Similarly the engine section is sub-forum number 6, the pub section is number 10, and the classified section is number 11. I hope that helps!

Bill Wessale
(43 posts)

01/10/2014 11:28AM

Main British Car:
1968 Spitfire GT6 BOP 215 / Rover of some lineage

Re: Searching?
Posted by: GT8MX
Date: January 14, 2015 02:55PM

You guessed what I was wanting to do. That *does* help. I want to restrict my search to just one forum, and now I know how!

Thank you,


Bill Wessale
(43 posts)

01/10/2014 11:28AM

Main British Car:
1968 Spitfire GT6 BOP 215 / Rover of some lineage

Re: Searching?
Posted by: GT8MX
Date: January 14, 2015 03:01PM

...and to find the sub-number for the forum one wants to restrict a search to, select the desired forum from the pull-down menu under Web Forums and the sub-number will appear after "php?" in the URL displayed in your browser address field.

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: Searching?
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: February 14, 2015 12:31PM

Curtis, it would be great if you could find a way to index a search to the page and sub-pages that you are on when you begin the search. For instance, say you browse to the HIWD page for example, or the Roadmaster thread first page, etc, etc. Then run a search and the search indexes to start at that page, using it as a directory so it proceeds through the pages below that in the directory structure and is limited to only that directory. That would be an extremely easy and usable search feature and would give very pointed results.

Do you think there might be a way to do that?

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