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PT Schram
Churubusco, IN
(6 posts)

11/24/2013 05:32AM

Main British Car:
'67 through 2001 Land Rovers.

Posted by: ptschram
Date: January 18, 2015 12:11PM


Paul Menten

(242 posts)

10/08/2009 10:40AM

Main British Car:

Re: test
Posted by: pcmenten
Date: March 07, 2016 06:22PM

Dan Jones' report of porting TA cylinder heads

Stock 4.6 heads with 1.575" intake valves,
vs. ported 300 heads with 1.775" intake valves
vs. out-of-the-box TA heads with 1.94" intake valves
vs ported TA heads with 1.94" intake valves
vs ported TA heads with back-cut 1.94" intake valves

'back-cut' means the valves were given a 30 degree back-cut.


Lift 4.6 B 300 POrig TA Ported back-cut
dia. 1.575"1.775"1.94"1.94"1.94"
0.100 60.2 66 67.7 76.8 78.3
0.200 105.4 129 105.4 120.4 129.4
0.300 132.4 174 143.0 173.1 185.1
0.350 135.5 187 164.0 198.7 206.2
0.400 135.5 191 185.1 224.2 225.8
0.500 n/a 196 220.9 255.9 251.3
0.600 n/a 200 225.8 (n/a) 252.8


Lift 4.6 B 300 POriginal Ported
dia. 1.35" 1.5" 1.6" 1.6"
0.100 57.4 47 47.9 63.8
0.200 92.5 104 70.2 108.5
0.300 103.7 130 102.1 146.7
0.350 106.9 139 114.9 n/a
0.400 106.9 146 126.0 177.0
0.500 n/a 152 137.2 189.8
0.600 n/a 153 140.4 199.4

If these results are real, I'm very curious to understand why the ported 300 heads did so well. I've heard Vizard suggest that shallow, open heads benefit from a 30 degree valve job - better low-lift flow. I'm wondering what magic Dan performed on these 300 heads.


(other stuff)

195o F
bold and red strikethrough italic

For those who are looking at this, note that some of the BBcode markup is using the square brackets and other uses angle brackets. Above, I figured out that I needed to use the square brackets to make the 'color' directive work. Oddly, the 'tt' tag works to make a teletype font, but explicitly naming a font did not work with either style of brackets.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2016 11:51PM by pcmenten.

Lucey Baggio

(2 posts)

06/14/2019 05:35AM

Main British Car:

Re: test
Posted by: Luceyka
Date: June 14, 2019 05:36AM


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