Re: test
Dan Jones' report of porting TA cylinder heads
Stock 4.6 heads with 1.575" intake valves, vs. ported 300 heads with 1.775" intake valves vs. out-of-the-box TA heads with 1.94" intake valves vs ported TA heads with 1.94" intake valves vs ported TA heads with back-cut 1.94" intake valves 'back-cut' means the valves were given a 30 degree back-cut. Intake
If these results are real, I'm very curious to understand why the ported 300 heads did so well. I've heard Vizard suggest that shallow, open heads benefit from a 30 degree valve job - better low-lift flow. I'm wondering what magic Dan performed on these 300 heads. Paul (other stuff) 195o F H2O aliens! bold and red For those who are looking at this, note that some of the BBcode markup is using the square brackets and other uses angle brackets. Above, I figured out that I needed to use the square brackets to make the 'color' directive work. Oddly, the 'tt' tag works to make a teletype font, but explicitly naming a font did not work with either style of brackets. Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2016 11:51PM by pcmenten. |