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Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Wheels and Windmills
Posted by: roverman
Date: August 18, 2016 12:46PM

Solvang, Ca. August 27th. Anybody going ? Not entering, but considering the cruise/etc. Art.

Carl Floyd
Kingsport, TN
(4571 posts)

10/23/2007 11:32PM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB Buick 215

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Re: Wheels and Windmills
Posted by: MGBV8
Date: August 26, 2016 10:43AM

Windmills? What happened to Wings?

Some of my favorite local shows were Wings & Wheels. And, I don't mean in the parking lot at Hooters. ;)

Phil Ossinger
New Brunswick, Canada
(346 posts)

02/02/2009 07:58PM

Main British Car:

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Re: Wheels and Windmills
Posted by: britcars
Date: August 26, 2016 03:55PM

Quote: Windmills? What happened to Wings? Some of my favorite local shows were Wings & Wheels. And, I don't mean in the parking lot at Hooters. ;) Quote

For anyone on the east coast and New England, there's at least two Wings & Wheels events in Maine each summer. You missed them this summer but mark them for next summer!
Houlton, ME International Airport:
Owl's Head Transportation Museum

Jim Legg
Napa, California
(94 posts)

01/24/2013 03:24PM

Main British Car:
1970 Rover P6 3500S Rover 3.5L V8

Re: Wheels and Windmills
Posted by: Oldbloke
Date: August 31, 2016 03:06PM

Couldn't make it Art, but went through there earlier this year for the 'North Meets South' event put on by the Paradise Valley Club. Were ya there? Jim

Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Re: Wheels and Windmills
Posted by: roverman
Date: September 05, 2016 04:20PM

Didn't make it, didn't know. They had Wings and Wheels, sort of, 9/4/16. Perris, Ca. muni-port. It was quite busy with "jumpers". About 40 cars showed up. My pick was a SC3800 powered, Lotus Super 7replica. Cheers, Art.

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