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Daniel Beliveau
Manchester NH
(33 posts)

07/18/2015 07:41PM

Main British Car:
1972 Triumph Stag, 1972 Ford 302 1974 Jensen Healey, Lotus 907 stroked to 2.2 Ltr,

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BCNH Show Of Dreams
Posted by: dbeliveau
Date: August 28, 2016 02:06PM

Just thought I'd send along a little info on our British Cars of New Hampshire (BCNH) Show Of Dreams.
We have an active, thriving and even growing British car club. Some may describe it as a drinking club with a British car problem!! Just kidding but our focus is on the social side more than the technical side. We have many activities during the driving season and several members take the lead to plan interesting drives with stops at various destinations. Some of these include covered bridge rides, museum rides, foliage rides, and even a Lobstah ride. Our big event is a fund raiser in July called the Show of dreams, where we now raise money for 2 charities; High Hopes Foundation and the NH Food Bank. There were 183 British cars present divided into 26 classes from Austin Healey to TVR, British Modified, British Motorcycles, and un-restored. The largest group represented this year was TR6, but we had Sunbeams, Alvas, Morgans, Lotus, and we even got 2 Jensens to show up one very nice 74 Jensen Healey in Jaguar green with a Toyota 5 speed from Maine, also a Jensen Interceptor III. The weather was sunny and hot in the nineties and the ice cream, lemonade and lobster roll vendors did a booming business. We ended up raising about $10,000 which will be divided between the two charities mentioned above. I've attached a couple pictures.
74 JH (600 x 450).jpg
AH3000_V8 (600 x 450).jpg
AH3000_V82 (600 x 450).jpg
Cobra (600 x 450).jpg

Rick Neville

(495 posts)

12/19/2007 05:01PM

Main British Car:
1963 Austin-Healey 3000 Ford 5.0L

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Re: BCNH Show Of Dreams
Posted by: HealeyRick
Date: August 28, 2016 07:31PM

Hey, that's me! (or at least my Healey). And that's Jeff Gagnon's comp Cobra. Love those webers. Here's his build thread: [] It was my first Show of Dreams. It was a great show with a really nice turnout.

Daniel Beliveau
Manchester NH
(33 posts)

07/18/2015 07:41PM

Main British Car:
1972 Triumph Stag, 1972 Ford 302 1974 Jensen Healey, Lotus 907 stroked to 2.2 Ltr,

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BCNH Show Of Dreams
Posted by: dbeliveau
Date: August 28, 2016 02:09PM

More Pics
Cobra2 (600 x 450).jpg
INT_III (600 x 450).jpg
Nice Jensen Interceptor III has a Chrysler V8
TVR (600 x 450).jpg
TVR_V8 (600 x 450).jpg
TVR Ford V8

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/29/2016 10:43AM by dbeliveau.

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4598 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: BCNH Show Of Dreams
Posted by: Moderator
Date: August 29, 2016 01:35AM

Nice! Some very exciting cars there...

Daniel Beliveau
Manchester NH
(33 posts)

07/18/2015 07:41PM

Main British Car:
1972 Triumph Stag, 1972 Ford 302 1974 Jensen Healey, Lotus 907 stroked to 2.2 Ltr,

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Re: BCNH Show Of Dreams
Posted by: dbeliveau
Date: August 29, 2016 10:40AM

Here are a few more pics a really well done MGB 3500V8 Looks factory
MGB_V8 (600 x 450).jpg
MGB_V8_2 (600 x 450).jpg
MGB_V8_3 (600 x 450).jpg
There was a MGA with a V8 but he left before I could get pics

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