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Jim Legg
Napa, California
(94 posts)

01/24/2013 03:24PM

Main British Car:
1970 Rover P6 3500S Rover 3.5L V8

All British Field Meet-Portland, Oregon
Posted by: Oldbloke
Date: August 16, 2017 12:24PM

Sept 1 at PIR. Anyone else from the forum going this year? Perhaps the biggest British show on the west coast and the opportunity to meet Curtis and see the great build on his GT!

Paul Schils
Fredonia, WI
(89 posts)

12/13/2007 10:27AM

Main British Car:
1973 MGB-GT, Buick 215 1971 MGB RD, SBF 302

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Re: All British Field Meet-Portland, Oregon
Posted by: psmg
Date: August 16, 2017 02:00PM

I'm not able to make it this year, if you go make sure to take pictures. We haven't seen Curtis in a long time so make sure you get some pics with him. Thanks Jim

Calvin Grannis
Elk Grove,CA
(1151 posts)

11/10/2007 10:05AM

Main British Car:
74 TR6 / 71 MGB GT TR6/Ls1 71 MGB GT/Ls1

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Re: All British Field Meet-Portland, Oregon
Posted by: 74ls1tr6
Date: August 18, 2017 09:09AM

800 + vehicles at the PIR race track is probably the biggest British show we have attended. Curtis lives a measly 10 minutes away from the track and knows where all the good pub's are in the area.

May not make it this year Jim... right in the middle of trading my F-350 dually in for a F-450 dually. Say hi to Curtis for us. Have fun judging 800+ vehicles 😉;-)

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4598 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: All British Field Meet-Portland, Oregon
Posted by: Moderator
Date: August 31, 2017 01:06PM

It'll be great to see you again, Jim!

Who else is coming?

The Portland ABFM is indeed an exceptional event! Vintage racing - and a paddock full of vintage British race cars adds some special interest other meets can't match. Portland also has a lot of really esoteric cars around - you never know what you'll find in the far corners of that huge show field!

I thought I was gonna miss it this year, but my schedule cleared up. I didn't pre-register but I plan to arrive early Saturday and hang out all that day. Lisa will be visiting family in Michigan over the weekend, so we'll miss her.

My car will look exactly the same has it has for two years, I've actually been driving it a lot, but I never find time for modifications.

Our weather forecast is "hot and sunny" right through the weekend (98 to 100F for the highs) so plan for that.

Jim Legg
Napa, California
(94 posts)

01/24/2013 03:24PM

Main British Car:
1970 Rover P6 3500S Rover 3.5L V8

Re: All British Field Meet-Portland, Oregon
Posted by: Oldbloke
Date: August 31, 2017 02:20PM

...and the Rover V8 has been given the nod (make that demand) by SWMBO. Has working A/C even tho not really show material. Had prepped the MGB GT and registered it and then came the triple digit heat forecast up and back...1200+ miles of that and I changed my mind!

RMO 699F
Mike Maloney
SW Ohio
(531 posts)

12/09/2007 12:28PM

Main British Car:
1974 MGB Sebring GT, 3.9 Rover V8

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Re: All British Field Meet-Portland, Oregon
Posted by: RMO 699F
Date: September 01, 2017 10:57AM

Jim...did not know your last name was Rumple...chuckle...

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