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Alan Moor
Winchester, VA
(57 posts)

10/18/2014 08:58PM

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'73 MGB GT Ford 5.0

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British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: alanmoor
Date: August 17, 2017 09:29PM

Every now and then I have a really good idea. I'm pretty sure this isn't one of them. I propose a contest. For those of you who may have an extra day or two, and are somewhat disappointed by the lack of drives in the Ohio flatlands, I challenge you to come up with a cool gathering point a day (or two) prior to the meet to shoot the breeze, then engage in an exhilarating drive to the British V8 meet in Dayton. Is it Louisville? Lexington? Charleston? hmmm...

- Entries are made via reply to this thread.
- A committee will be established to judge the entries (this is me stirring the pot)
- The final 3 or 4 entries will be put to a vote on April 1, 2018 (is there a better day?)
- I will attend and provide refreshments at the properly elected locale (on me, no club funds involved)

Let the fun begin. This is going to be AWESOME.


Scott Costanzo
Columbus, Ohio
(565 posts)

10/25/2007 11:30AM

Main British Car:
1968 MGB GM 5.3 LS4 V8

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: Scott68B
Date: August 18, 2017 01:21AM

Ok Al,

I'll propose we keep an Ohio theme and try to dispel the notion that all of Ohio is flat and boring. So my idea is to meet in a tbd hotel in southeast Ohio on Tuesday night to party and then take a planned route on some of Ohio's best twisty roads toward Dayton on Wednesday morning. I'm sure I could pick the brains of the guys who organize the annual Riverrun tour for some great roads to take. Maybe we could give the guys from Kentucky or West Virginia a thrill and stay on the their side of the Ohio River and take a ferry across back to Ohio in the morning to start our day out? That would be a good photo op with a bunch of conversions on a ferry. This is all high-level at this point which is what I believe you're looking for to start?

Rick Ingram
Central Illinois
(1523 posts)

10/17/2007 09:36PM

Main British Car:
1974.5 MGB/GT 3.9l Rover

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: mowog1
Date: August 18, 2017 08:34AM

But the guys from the Flatlands of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas appreciate the twisties even more than the guys for Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia.

Scott Costanzo
Columbus, Ohio
(565 posts)

10/25/2007 11:30AM

Main British Car:
1968 MGB GM 5.3 LS4 V8

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: Scott68B
Date: August 18, 2017 10:16AM

But the guys from the Flatlands of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas appreciate the twisties even more than the guys for Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia.

Hi Rick, it is intended for everyone especially for people not from this part of the country. Didn't mean to imply otherwise.

kelly stevenson
Southern Middle Tennessee
(985 posts)

10/25/2007 09:37AM

Main British Car:
2003 Jaguar XK8 Coupe 4.2L DOHC/ VVT / 6sp. AT

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: kstevusa
Date: August 18, 2017 12:12PM

Scott's idea of Ferry shot sounds great. Appears Google only shows 2 ferries on KY-Oh River border and only 1 is close to Cincy. Hope some one can suggest a Warm-Up location that provides that option. Can't get too much further west than Cincy.
South east is getting to be a long drive (late start and early Hotel arrival) are considerations taken into account on previous Warm-ups. Perhaps Jim Blackwood has some suggestions for a location in his general area? Al, I like the way you think!

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: August 18, 2017 05:29PM

We have the Anderson ferry on the west side of town, with a nice drive down the escarpment to get to it, but not much to brag on otherwise on either side of the river. Well, a born native might disagree, I'm a bit jaundiced. If you went out of your way you might find some fairly nice roads.

It seems like there might be a ferry somewhere between Galopolis and Pittsburgh? But then I think Scott's hilly area is south of that. The idea is a good one, but it sounds like a bit of a drive from the hilly part of the state to where a ferry might be.


Rob Ficalora
Willis, TX
(2764 posts)

10/24/2007 02:46PM

Main British Car:
'76 MGB w/CB front, Sebring rear, early metal dash Ford 302

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: rficalora
Date: August 18, 2017 05:38PM

I haven't had a chance to do research yet, but I'll be looking for someplace that is in route from Southern & Western locations -- so our drives can be broken up a bit :).

Graham Creswick
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
(1166 posts)

10/25/2007 11:17AM

Main British Car:
1976 MGB Ford 302

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: ex-tyke
Date: August 18, 2017 05:52PM

Dan B
Dan Blackwood
South Charleston, WV
(1008 posts)

11/06/2007 01:55PM

Main British Car:
1966 TR4A, 1980 TR7 Multiport EFI MegaSquirt on the TR4A. Lexus V8 pl

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: Dan B
Date: August 18, 2017 06:43PM

[] is the site for ferry Jim is talking about. There is also a ferry from WV into Ohio from Sistersville to Fly, Ohio. [] which could be a good option for folks wanting to travel from the northeast. I am more familiar with the WV side of the river, but I understand that there is a nice covered bridge loop near the Sistersville ferry area on the Ohio side.

RMO 699F
Mike Maloney
SW Ohio
(531 posts)

12/09/2007 12:28PM

Main British Car:
1974 MGB Sebring GT, 3.9 Rover V8

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Re: British V8 2018 Warm Up contest
Posted by: RMO 699F
Date: August 18, 2017 07:52PM

Interesting thread...May not be a bad idea to wait a while to get a better idea of where (what direction) most people are traveling from..

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