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Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4598 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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more fun for more people
Posted by: Moderator
Date: January 20, 2018 01:29PM

Scavenger hunt: "a game in which individuals or teams are sent out to accumulate, without purchasing, a series of common, outlandish, or humorous objects, the winner being the person or team returning first with all the items."

I'm pleased to announce there's a new Moss Motoring Challenge for 2018 - with BIG changes to make the hunt more fun for more people.

The main change is that almost all hunted items should be findable without leaving your home state. In fact, without leaving the city of Portland, I think Lisa and I might possibly find all but three: "Bison in a Field", "Moss VA warehouse", and "Moss CA warehouse".

Will you rise to the challenge?

piccies from former challenges:

Charles Long
McDonald, TN
(177 posts)

09/15/2013 08:54AM

Main British Car:
1966 MGB V6 1994 Camaro 3.4L 60V6

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Re: more fun for more people
Posted by: Charles
Date: January 20, 2018 05:23PM

Curtis Lisa, NOT AGAIN.
Perky and I are in it again, we just love the creative hunt. We are looking at the Outer Banks and the Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline Drive on the way to and from MG2018. The Outer Banks will put in line for Moss in VA.

see you guys on the road
Perk and charles

Phil Ossinger
New Brunswick, Canada
(346 posts)

02/02/2009 07:58PM

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Re: more fun for more people
Posted by: britcars
Date: January 20, 2018 10:59PM

Curtis, I too won't get Bison in a field and the Moss warehouses but should be able to rack up quite a few of the categories. I participated in the 2015 and 2016 Challenges but missed 2017. I won't be collecting many points for a while in this part of the world, lots of snow, ice and road salt so the B is covered in the corner of the garage for a few months.

Nice pic of you and Pj.


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