Classified Ads: Swap Parts Here!

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Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4586 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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The Best Way To Contact Sellers
Posted by: Moderator
Date: February 21, 2008 11:55AM

Wish you could respond to a classified ad via e-mail? Most classified ads don't include the seller's e-mail address because posting an e-mail address on a message board is likely to get you unwanted "spam" e-mails. (Most of the world's spam e-mail is sent by automated computer systems in eastern Europe and in South Korea. They surf the internet for e-mail addresses. Once they find yours... "You have mail.")

So here's a tip:
To contact sellers, use the PRIVATE MESSAGE feature of our message board software!

If you're registered and logged-in as a message board user, you should be able to find a row of "options" listed underneath each message. Just click on the one that says "Reply via PM". Type your question, and hit the "Post Message" button. After you hit that button, our message board software will automatically send an e-mail to your intended recipient, and the e-mail will include a hyperlink to your question. This method is easy, and it's relatively difficult for spammers to abuse with automated software. You can, of course, ask the seller to answer you via regular e-mail. (It's okay to include your e-mail address with your question in your private message, because only your intended recipient will see it.) Or, they can respond via private message. It works great!

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