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Kenneth Quitiquit

(5 posts)

03/17/2011 11:40AM

Main British Car:

1970 Rover 3500 hood
Posted by: sarinas_dragons
Date: March 17, 2011 03:52PM

Kenneth Quitiquit
11414 Ainsworth Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98444

$500 or best offer

I have an aluminum hood off a 70 Rover.

dome light, hood scoops, wiper-washer nozzles, hinges, trim and v8 emblem all negotiable

(moderator corrected street address...)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2011 01:39AM by Moderator.

Kenneth Quitiquit

(5 posts)

03/17/2011 11:40AM

Main British Car:

Re: 1970 Rover 3500 hood
Posted by: sarinas_dragons
Date: March 17, 2011 03:56PM

Kenneth Quitiquit

(5 posts)

03/17/2011 11:40AM

Main British Car:

Re: 1970 Rover 3500 hood
Posted by: sarinas_dragons
Date: March 30, 2011 10:46AM

When I guess on what the value of parts might be I look at the availability. I interpreted the lack of parts incorrectly. It is not smart for me to hold on to parts, either.

I will consider any reasonable offer.

$400 for both or trades

I have the manifold and carb, and distributor, too. Package deal...

al mackenzie
Alasdair MacKenzie
Berlin, Germany
(4 posts)

03/16/2008 01:37PM

Main British Car:
1972 Rover 3500 P6 3.5 litre Rover V8

Re: 1970 Rover 3500 hood - do you have the following other parts?
Posted by: al mackenzie
Date: April 10, 2011 04:12PM

Hello Kenneth
I am looking for the air filter from a US export ('Federal' or 'NADA') Rover 3500, importantly including the vacuum thingamybob on the 'snorkel' that rises to the underside of the bonnet and mates with the central scoop on the bonnet, ideally also incuding the dust cap on the underside, and the hoses for the bi-metallic thinamyjig inside the cannister. I also need the three 'special' bolts that secure the warm air collector metalwork to one exhaust manifold, and that manifold in turn to the cylinder head. If you are breaking one of these cars I am also looking for the four electric window motors and the quad switch panel in the centre console, and the padded panel on the tunnel between the two ashtrays. Can you help? Please don't hesitate to send an email to: al at mcknz dot de
Best regards from Berlin, Germany

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