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brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: December 23, 2008 03:12PM

Looking for high quality MGB V8 conversion, ideally located in/near the midwest. email me at

Tony Hoffer
(323 posts)

10/15/2007 05:25PM

Main British Car:
Olds 215 EFI

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: hoffbug
Date: December 23, 2008 05:38PM

Wahts your budget??
This beauty may still be for sale by the St.Louis car museum..


brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: December 24, 2008 12:26AM

I had been following that car and really really liked it (that is actually the car that got me started on my search for an MGB V8, I emailed them to see what it would take to buy it off the auction as they ran an ebay auction 3 times with a total of 1 bid, they never contacted me back. The last auction was stopped early so I think they may have sold it.

I don't have a defined budget, for a great car like this one I would be very interested (not at $35 but upper $20s) but I also would be very interested in a good driver at a much lower price point...the important point being that it is a decent value, I am not going to overpay and I think it is pretty clear that the automotive market and classics are not selling for what they were a year ago (just like every other asset)...that being said I want to see what is out there and I am seriously looking, MGB V8s aren't growing on trees and seem to be rather difficult to find quality examples.

If I don't find anything that works out I may have to start a project of my own.

Thanks in advance!

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4596 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: Moderator
Date: December 24, 2008 01:28AM

I would definitely check in with some of our vendor sponsors because frankly they tend to hear about distressed owners before cars go up for public sale. Here's the directory: []

brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: December 26, 2008 05:30PM

thanks I will check for them...doesn't need to be distressed though just realistic...

Scott Harris
Linden, MI
(14 posts)

08/10/2008 11:37AM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB-V8 3.5 Rover V8

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: scottsgretch
Date: December 31, 2008 01:40PM

bboersma Wrote:
> Looking for high quality MGB V8 conversion,
> ideally located in/near the midwest. email me at

Hi Brad,
I have my 79 MGB that i started a Rover conversion. The car has sat for about three years now and needs final assembly. Everything is pretty much done other than putting back together. Engine was installed but pulled to paint engine compartment and can be reinstalled before moving it. It is painted GM Black/Clearcoat, new Rover V8 w/block hugger headers, new suspension, new interior kit, tons of spare parts. If interested i can email PICS or PM detailed info to you. Solid, solid, B with no rust anywhere. Thanks, Scott in Michigan 248-941-2207

brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: February 17, 2009 01:10AM

bump, still looking...if anyone is interested in a trade for an 05 mustang GT convt would make it much easier!

Brian Mc Cullough
Forest Lake, Minnesota, USA
(384 posts)

10/30/2007 02:27AM

Main British Car:
1980 MGB '95 3.4L 'L32' SFI V6, GM V6T5 & 3.42 Limi

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Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: BMC
Date: February 17, 2009 08:05PM


Most people who build to a very high standard have a difficult time letting go.

It may be best to list out what you want in a car, figure out how much its worth to you and build it or give a list of requirements here.


brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: March 03, 2009 11:17AM


Thanks for the note, I am not too specific to what I want and can understand having trouble letting go as all of the cars I see here are pretty nice. I can be patient and will know when I see it. I do know that a big project it not in my future prefer something that has been worked out, I can handle a few cosmetic issues but not mechanical issues.

But if anyone is selling shoot me a PM or email since I can't check the board as often as I would like to.


Ryan Reis
Beatrice, NE
(203 posts)

07/16/2008 11:07AM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: mgbreis
Date: March 04, 2009 10:22AM


Given the budget you have in mind, I don't think it's unrealistic (especially in todays market) to buy a VERY nice stock mgb and have a reputable shop do a v8 conversion for you. Pete Mantell at Mantell Motorsports comes to mind (Illinois) and also the MG Doc in St. Louis (someone help me out), but there are shops all over the country that people here can vouch for personally. If you start with a nice car and do a quality but basic rover v8 install it can be done fast and within your budget. Just a thought.

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4596 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: Moderator
Date: March 04, 2009 11:09AM

Following up on Ryan's suggestion... the best shops are listed here: []

brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: July 29, 2009 06:49PM

Wanted to follow up on this, I contacted many people privately I am now located in Naples, FL and still looking so if you have anything that would be of interest please shoot me an email.

brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: August 20, 2009 08:49PM

Air conditioning is a must as I am in FL now (and it is frickin' hot in august!)

Dan B
Dan Blackwood
South Charleston, WV
(1008 posts)

11/06/2007 01:55PM

Main British Car:
1966 TR4A, 1980 TR7 Multiport EFI MegaSquirt on the TR4A. Lexus V8 pl

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Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: Dan B
Date: August 21, 2009 09:36AM

You should buy Scott's car and get Pete to finish it for you. That should fit nicely into your budget.

brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: August 21, 2009 12:02PM

which Pete, that could work, I spoke to Scott a while back and like where he is on his car, that may be a good idea!

Pete if you see this shoot me your contact info.

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4596 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

authors avatar
Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: Moderator
Date: August 21, 2009 12:59PM

I expect Jim's referring to Pete Mantell, of Mantell Motorsport fame.

Pete's full contact info appears here.

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: August 21, 2009 07:12PM

That was Dan. But you should definitely call Pete and see what he'll charge you to finish the assembly work.


brad boersma

(17 posts)

12/23/2008 03:09PM

Main British Car:

WTB- MGB V8 Conversion
Posted by: bboersma
Date: September 25, 2009 01:35PM

bumping this, i have completed my move to FL and ready to buy, need a car with A/C installed (it is frickin hot here).

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