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Dave R
Northern Virginia
(138 posts)

04/07/2016 08:29PM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB 4.6L Rover V8

1969 MGC shell on
Posted by: RDMG
Date: August 18, 2020 08:40AM

I have no interest in the sale at all, but I recently discovered the Copart website and this looks like a really interesting opportunity:

1969 MGC roadster with no engine in Baton Rouge, LA:


Listed as a B, but you can tell from the hood, front crossmember, and engine bay accessories that it’s definitely a C.

Tough to tell from the pics, but the rust doesn’t seem deep either.

Based on the MGC conversion recorded on this site, the Ford 302 with dual-sump oil pan drops right over the MGC crossmember.

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6497 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

authors avatar
Re: 1969 MGC shell on
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: August 18, 2020 12:10PM

As likely a candidate for the FHF conversion as one would ever hope to find I expect. But the only way I would give any serious thought to that would be if I had both the car and the engine sitting in the back lot. So that ain't happening.


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