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James Johanski

(61 posts)

11/15/2017 08:57AM

Main British Car:

WTB 1964 Buick 300 4 barrel intake
Posted by: jjohanski
Date: November 13, 2020 02:35AM

PM me if you have one for sale. Thanks.

Sal Gonzalez

(18 posts)

01/20/2010 12:42AM

Main British Car:

Re: WTB 1964 Buick 300 4 barrel intake
Posted by: gonzosal
Date: November 13, 2020 02:32PM

Hey James,

Reach out to Kurt Beidler in the MG photo galleries page and also on the MGE site. His member ID is bumbl. He had a ton of 300 stuff he was going to sell a few weeks back.


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