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Chad McNeely
(78 posts)

06/09/2021 06:03PM

Main British Car:
Alpine S4 Rover 4.0

Iron head 300
Posted by: Roverbeam
Date: December 04, 2023 03:19PM

This is sorta like a classified, but not quite. It seems to fit best here than the Engine forum, since it’s about buying not building. Hope it’s ok here. Anyway…

There’s a guy near Chicago selling his 300. I want his long tube headers, but nothing else. He’s willing to split those out of the sale, but I thought I’d mention the opportunity (?) to get the rest of the fairly complete, running engine for a few hundred bucks. It has iron 4-barrel intake, and of course a 300 iron block if you’re into that, and a crank for your Rover stroker build if that’s how you roll. Is any of that of interest?

Look him up on Marketplace if you like, and let me know if you want to collaborate on getting his full package and splitting it up, or something.

Chad McNeely
(78 posts)

06/09/2021 06:03PM

Main British Car:
Alpine S4 Rover 4.0

Re: Iron head 300
Posted by: Roverbeam
Date: December 04, 2023 04:52PM

Ok, now this is a classified ad. I bought the engine. I'm keeping the headers, the seller is keeping the carb and intake. The rest of the engine is available. Almost any reasonable offer accepted. I'm going to be driving from N.E. MO to just west of Chicago to pick it up in the next couple weeks, so any delivery options sort of along that route would be fine.

Seller's pics:

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