Other Cars (British & British-Inspired)

a place to discuss all our other favorite cars, especially the modified and/or V8 ones

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Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4595 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Posted by: Moderator
Date: August 11, 2012 01:33PM

To their own forum!

In recognition of their importance and their enduring popularity, along with other Rootes Group products - Talbot, Hillman, Humber, Singer, and Commer - threads related to Sunbeam sports cars such as the Alpine and Tiger have been moved to a brand new forum. You can find it from the main index page or the pull-down menu above.

The purposes of this long-overdue change is to concentrate interest. I think of it as a chemical reaction that's approaching "critical mass". Goals: more threads started, more replies generated, and more helpful exchange of ideas and information.

But what does it mean for Other British Cars? Hopefully interest in other brands will be less diluted too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2012 01:49PM by Moderator.

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