J Man jason adkins NW OH (202 posts) Registered: 01/21/2009 08:49PM Main British Car: '61 Morris Minor panel, '70 MGB GT, '74 MGB GT MGB 1.8, unsure yet on the GTs |
Re: Project V8
I saw the channel in the frame. I wasn't sure if you did anything else like a lowering spring to adjust the ride height. Do you happen to remember what the offset of the wheels are? The angle of the one picture (2nd to last one posted) kinda make it look like the rear has a different offset.
I have a panel and was planning on using the MGB front suspension in it. I am also going to use the 1.8 motor out of a MGB as well with a performance build on it and a 5 spd trans. |
Re: Project V8
I'm not sure what you mean by a panel, however I will have to measure the wheel offset but the wheels are the same. to adjust the ride height I used chrome bumper mgb springs as they are shorter. over here the 1.8 is normaly bored to 1.9 plus other bit's and you get a torquey engine with plenty of power.
The gearbox conversion which is popular over here uses a ford type 9 and comes supplied with all the bits required. but I think there are plenty of people on this website who are more informed than me. Try this company based in the UK. Hoyle engieering, they do replacement front and rear suspension for the mg range which is something I may do in the future to the front of mine. I must get it trimmed first!! Steve |
roverman Art Gertz Winchester, CA. (3188 posts) Registered: 04/24/2009 11:02AM Main British Car: 74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L |
Re: Project V8
Well Done Steve ! I suggest you contact "Jukka", of this forum. He is based in Finland, and has a very similar build, Morris Minor. You @#$%& will have much to chat about. Cheers, roverman.
minorv8 Jukka Harkola (271 posts) Registered: 04/08/2009 06:50AM Main British Car: Morris Minor Rover V8 |
Re: Project V8
J Man, 1,8 engine is quite heavy and also long so you probably have to do same amount of clearancing to the body. I did think about (but not for long) when I chose the V8 option. In Finland where I live a V8 in a Minor was pretty much impossible when I started the process in mid 90s and current legislation makes it impossible. The loop hole was a 10G engine code engine that only has 92 hp. That, 6 months of discussions between the local DoT and me and I got the permission to build one. In fact, 90 hp 1800 B series is about as difficult. Our law states that you can swap the engine provided the capacity is max + 25 % and power is max+20 % compared to the biggest / most powerful engine in the model range. In Morris Minor fleet that means 1098 cc and immense 40 odd hp. So you can imagine the initial response to " lets put a 3500 V8 in a Morris"
Long story short, said and done and it has been a road legal for about 15 years. I would rethink the engine choice but if you like the MGB lump go ahead, it will give more than enough fun compared to the stock motor. Maybe I need to upload some pics too and create another Moggy thread... |
J Man jason adkins NW OH (202 posts) Registered: 01/21/2009 08:49PM Main British Car: '61 Morris Minor panel, '70 MGB GT, '74 MGB GT MGB 1.8, unsure yet on the GTs |
Re: Project V8
I would love to see another Morris thread.
I want to drive it as often as possible, maybe even daily. That is where the initial thought of the MGB motor came in. There is a guy here in the states that is now offering a kit to put a T5 behind them. I am also 6 ft. so I thought it would result in less lost space in the footwell area since I am a little more limited in a panel (van) than a car body with seat placement. I bought the car without engine and transmission. Battery will be relocated. Frame is bad so I will have a new one built for it. Right now I am trying to decide wither to stick with 4 lug or switch to 5 as it will give me a better selection of wheels. A few people over here make kits to switch the front but than I would have to find and narrow a different axle in the back. |
Re: Project V8
There are various ways you can tackle your build, as you want leg room then your choice of wheel on the front will affect this.
If you want to use the mgb front clip then wheel size should be no more than 51/2 j x 14 the track width is ok to use as is but spacers can be used later if needed. There will be yet more room to be gained if an auto box is used. As a result of my bigger wheels and manual box, I no longer have room for a rear seat. |
J Man jason adkins NW OH (202 posts) Registered: 01/21/2009 08:49PM Main British Car: '61 Morris Minor panel, '70 MGB GT, '74 MGB GT MGB 1.8, unsure yet on the GTs |
Re: Project V8
My plan was to run a 15" wheel with a low profile tire in the front, little bigger in the back. I can go with a 15 x 4 and run a 135R15 or try a wider rim like a 15 x 6 with a 195/50 15 or 205/50 15. My '62 Skylark has 15" wheels so I will use those when setting up the chassis and see where to take it from there.
The guy building the chassis for me has years of experience building hot rods so he will be able to help with that as well. |
88v8 Ivor Duarte Gloucestershire UK (1052 posts) Registered: 02/11/2010 04:29AM Main British Car: 1974 Land Rover Lightweight V8 |
Re: Project V8
So many abandoned projects. So few people with the staying power to finish. And it looks as if your non-garage is less than luxury grade. Ivor |
Re: Project V8
I would love to have a garage you see so often in photo's of projects in USA but I always remember that there is no such thing as inclement weather, only improper clothing!!
![]() Don't let the dream stealers get you Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2013 11:14AM by Meerkat. |
Re: Project V8
I just went through your build explanation again. Here in the States, you would be called one "sick" @#$%& --and I mean that in the best possible way! Your project has inspired me to try something similar. First, I love Morris Minors, and have since I learned to drive a stick shift on my mother's '59 convertible way back when. Second, I happen to own a wrecked 2003 Morgan Plus 8, with the drive train in very good low mileage condition. My dream is to acquire a Traveler -- and I've spotted one in Hemmings -- and join the two vehicles. While your photos and description are excellent, I hope to learn more from your experience. Anyway, for now I just wanted to try to connect with you on this wacky dream. I may also share with you a "sick" project I am involved with now involving a 65 Chevy Bel Air wagon and an LS3 Corvette motor. Cheers, Jon |