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colin clarke

(4 posts)

03/09/2009 12:40PM

Main British Car:

Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: colc
Date: October 30, 2013 10:23AM

Just bought a really nice Riley 4/72, with MGB engine and o/d box................however, it's crying out for some performance upgrades, and that's going to mean a V8. I'm also looking to change the entire front end [brakes / steering/suspension] possibly going to a narrowed Jag front clip. Engine possibly a Ford 302, with a Scimitar back axle, as they're about the same width, and should handle the power. Any comments or thoughts [has anyone done one before?] most welcome

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: October 30, 2013 11:55AM

I'm not sure why you would want to go to something as heavy as a Jag front suspension, there have to be better choices out there. I scrapped out an XJ6 and didn't see anything in the front suspension I wanted to keep. But maybe the XK parts are lighter.


Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Re: Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: roverman
Date: October 30, 2013 02:51PM

Colin, Welcome, if your in USA, you might consider Mustang II-aftermarket front suspension, including support cross member. All manor of widths available, spindles, A-arms and brake components. Because of high volume,(for aftermarket), prices are quite competitive=value. This topic is best discussed in "handling" section. Cheers, roverman.

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4598 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: Moderator
Date: October 30, 2013 03:17PM

Welcome to BritishV8, Colin!

I hope you'll post some photos. I'm keen to learn what a Riley 4/72 looks like.

colin clarke

(4 posts)

03/09/2009 12:40PM

Main British Car:

Re: Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: colc
Date: October 31, 2013 06:12AM

Mustang 2 front end has been discussed, however, will need narrowing , as Riley front track is only just over 50".

Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Re: Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: roverman
Date: October 31, 2013 11:47AM

WOW, It's a little TC2000 Rover. Good Luck, roverman.

colin clarke

(4 posts)

03/09/2009 12:40PM

Main British Car:

Re: Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: colc
Date: November 01, 2013 07:28AM

It's actually longer than a P6, and although in production at the same time, at least a decade behind in terms of engineering, hence the need for mechanical upgrades

Graham B
Graham Bingham
Draycott, Derbyshire, UK
(63 posts)

09/19/2008 08:26AM

Main British Car:
1974 Triumph Spitfire Rover 3.5litre V8

Re: Riley 4/72 V8 conversion
Posted by: Graham B
Date: November 01, 2013 08:48AM


From the photo I take it you are in the UK.
In which case you may have seen the recent episode of Wheeler Dealers where Ed China worked on a Ford Pop hot rod. He swapped the front subframe and suspension for a narrowed Jag unit. I think he said it was from an XK. From what bit you saw on the program it looked quite simple to narrow the unit and he said it was relatively inexpensive to buy (?£200).



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