Other Cars (British & British-Inspired)

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Eccentric British Guy
David Blades
(4 posts)

01/21/2014 04:31PM

Main British Car:
Mostly Rover v8 (on the outside)

Hello from England
Posted by: Eccentric British Guy
Date: January 21, 2014 05:26PM

Hi all. I have a few British v8 cars in my collection, and am working on rebuilding the engine in one of them. It seems like a good idea to me to seek inspiration from the land of V8s, especially since this forum has pointed me at a part from a Buick V6 I didn't know existied that'll help get a cam trigger to work on one of my Rover v8 engines.

Here's a picture of the current project from before it got old - I've owned it for 10 years now. Since it was never sold in the US, I'll leave you to guess what it is! (Please don't spoil it if you're from the UK)

It's now in pieces awaiting top hat liners and a few other improvements that make sense while it's apart. If there's interest, I'll put together a build thread. My other cars are a 4.6 P38 Range Rover, a Jag XKR and shortly a Lotus Elise S1.

I'll be around asking mildly difficult questions about engines very soon - I'm interested in how the Buick and Rover v8 developments diverged from a common ancestor and if I can make use lessons learned across the pond.

Jim Nichols
(2482 posts)

02/29/2008 08:29PM

Main British Car:
1973 MGB roadster 260 Ford V8

Re: Hello from England
Posted by: mgb260
Date: January 22, 2014 06:11PM

Of course we're interested in a build, of what I think is the best looking TVR(the Griffith)!

Eccentric British Guy
David Blades
(4 posts)

01/21/2014 04:31PM

Main British Car:
Mostly Rover v8 (on the outside)

Re: Hello from England
Posted by: Eccentric British Guy
Date: January 23, 2014 03:09PM


I've got a lot of engine work to do. It's done the equivilent of going round the world 6 times so it has got a bit tired now - not helped by the liners in the block letting water in to the cylinders.

Apart from the porus block, the silly short skirted pistons, the short conrods, the unbalanced (internally) crank and the relatively low flowing heads it's been a realy good engine. I hope to address these issues with a bit of help from Ford and Chevy parts.

Ryan Reis
Beatrice, NE
(203 posts)

07/16/2008 11:07AM

Main British Car:

Re: Hello from England
Posted by: mgbreis
Date: January 28, 2014 07:22PM

Welcome, what a neat TVR! I enjoyed the episode of Wheeler Dealers where poor Ed had to replace the chassis on a TVR Chimaera. I sure hope you don't have that problem!

Eccentric British Guy
David Blades
(4 posts)

01/21/2014 04:31PM

Main British Car:
Mostly Rover v8 (on the outside)

Re: Hello from England
Posted by: Eccentric British Guy
Date: February 01, 2014 05:43PM

I did indeed have the chassis problem a few years ago (Winter/spring 2007). I was luckier because I caught it much sooner.

The chassis was shot blasted, repaired and painted. Yes, it's in the lounge - the weather was so bad the garage flooded that year - and my wife agreed that the chassis should be kept dry.

Assembly of chassis in the spring of the same year

I got a big box of pistons, rings and rods in the post yesterday. Looks like progress is happening - can't wait to get the block back with its new liners.

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