Other Cars (British & British-Inspired)

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Skib den Hollander
Central CA
(5 posts)

09/03/2014 08:02PM

Main British Car:
1974 Jaguar XJ6 Chevy 5.7L

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New member and my first British car
Posted by: Skib
Date: September 03, 2014 08:39PM

Iv been building classic Japanese cars for years,
but Iv gone and picked up a 1974 Jaguar XJ6 that has been swapped with a small block chev.

Been looking around for forums but it seems most Jag owners are a bit tiffed with the idea of one thats not origonal lol so I did some searching to see if there was a Jag V8 swap forum and stumbled onto this one.



Not in bad shape, very mechanically sound and drives great...still needs work here and there
but Iv been daily driving it so far having a lot of fun with it already and looking forward to improving it

And heres a few previous ....

1973 240z/L28et


1971 510 wagon

1969 1600 Fairlady/311

1979 620

1970 Bulebird coupe/SR20de


1974 710 coupe (or Violet hardtop depending on where your from lol)

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: New member and my first British car
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: September 03, 2014 08:53PM

My son Matthew has a XJ6/SBC and Loves it. He's off at college at the moment.


Skib den Hollander
Central CA
(5 posts)

09/03/2014 08:02PM

Main British Car:
1974 Jaguar XJ6 Chevy 5.7L

authors avatar
Re: New member and my first British car
Posted by: Skib
Date: September 03, 2014 09:39PM

Im digging it thus far, its a fun car.

Its my first British car and first Amerian V8
Fun to dive into some unknown territory and do some new builds.

I generally deal with the Datsun L/R/A series engines,
Nissan KA/SR/CA/RB series and the Toyota 5M/7M/2JZ/1UZ/4AG stuff

Ivor Duarte
Gloucestershire UK
(1052 posts)

02/11/2010 04:29AM

Main British Car:
1974 Land Rover Lightweight V8

Re: New member and my first British car
Posted by: 88v8
Date: September 04, 2014 02:13AM


I suspect you/re right about Jag forums, or for that matter most classic car forums of which I inhabit a couple.
There is a certain range of 'acceptable' mods, and beyond that peeps get very huffy. If you want help on that type of forum best not mention what's under the bonnet.

Anyway, welcome here.


Skib den Hollander
Central CA
(5 posts)

09/03/2014 08:02PM

Main British Car:
1974 Jaguar XJ6 Chevy 5.7L

authors avatar
Re: New member and my first British car
Posted by: Skib
Date: September 04, 2014 10:27AM

Thanks for the welcome, thats what I noticed quite quickly lol

In the old school Japanese scene its very opposite, were always swapping and improving.

We use S130Z front struts in 510s for bigger vented brakes, Toyota 4by4 or Mazda rx7 calipers on the front of 240Zs to go from 2 pot to 4 pot, Subaru R series rear diffs for newer ratios and easier access to LSD.
custom brakets to change all the drums to disk brakes.

Im very used to making things from other models and custom fabbing parts that where never made or long lost to time.

The 350 is interesting and fun, I really wouldnt have minded the stock 6 though, its verry similar to most of the Japanese twin cam inlines. But being America its also nice that I can get everything at the local parts store.

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