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Michael Cubbon
Portland, OR
(129 posts)

08/01/2015 12:55PM

Main British Car:
1969 MGB GM 3.4L V6

93-95 GM 3.4 V6 with T-5 dust cover question.
Posted by: limey222
Date: August 12, 2015 10:21PM

I installed the correct dust cover however it seems that because I also installed a mini rear reduction starter there is still a small opening not covered by the dust cover through which I can see the flywheel teeth. Will this be problem in terms of water and road dirt getting in?

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4582 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: 93-95 GM 3.4 V6 with T-5 dust cover question.
Posted by: Moderator
Date: August 13, 2015 01:09AM

Well, I wouldn't worry about it. I whole bunch of my flywheel's teeth are exposed.

Fred Key
West coast - Canada
(1375 posts)

05/14/2010 03:06AM

Main British Car:
I really thought that I'd be an action figure by now!

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Re: 93-95 GM 3.4 V6 with T-5 dust cover question.
Posted by: DiDueColpi
Date: August 13, 2015 12:29PM

I would probably make up a tin cover to seal up the hole, or fashion a screen for it to allow some airflow around the clutch.
If not you could remove the dust cover completely.
The reason for that, is if any debris should enter through the hole. It has nowhere to exit. And it will circulate around inside the cover. Possibly causing damage.
Other than being unsightly, and a bit of a hazard. Not having a cover won't be detrimental. And it does help cool the clutch for some of our more "aggressive" operators ;-).

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