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Anonymous User

( posts)

12/31/1969 07:00PM

Main British Car:

knock-on minilites
Posted by: Anonymous User
Date: August 31, 2015 11:35PM

Hi all,

New member here, lifetime MGB owner, recently bitten with the V8 bug.

I'm considering using 5.5x14 knock-on minilite wheels (sold by Moss and others) in a Rover V8 conversion to my 1973 B, restored in the 1990s with a BMH bodyshell. I'm just doing the research for the conversion now.

My B already has wire wheels, I love the knock-on look, and I'd like to use the stock rear end if I can, but I'm pretty sure the 42-year-old wires aren't up to the task.

The minilites are certainly tough enough, but what about the splines on the hub? Anyone out there have real-world experiences in this issue?

Many thanks!

Rick Ingram
Central Illinois
(1523 posts)

10/17/2007 09:36PM

Main British Car:
1974.5 MGB/GT 3.9l Rover

authors avatar
Re: knock-on minilites
Posted by: mowog1
Date: September 01, 2015 08:12AM

Race cars used knock-offs for years.

I would recommend replacing all four splined hubs with new to use with your new wheels.

As long as you're not building a mega-horsepower engine, you should have few, if any problems with the knock-offs, or for that matter, the stock differential.

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