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Dave R
Northern Virginia
(138 posts)

04/07/2016 08:29PM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB 4.6L Rover V8

T5 Transmission mount rear height?
Posted by: RDMG
Date: June 10, 2017 03:50PM

Hi folks,

I have my RV8 engine and Mustang T5 trans in my 79 B for the first time, and I'm realizing I have some unanswered questions.

I can already tell that I have to ease the top of the trans tunnel and remove the stock heat shield to bring the trans up a bit, but I don't know how much it should go up.

Using the welded-in crossmember as a reference, when my trans is resting on its rear mount, what should the distance be between the bottom of the tail housing and the top of the welded-in crossmember? Or should I be measuring the angle of the trans somehow?

I'm using D&D engine brackets with standard circular RV8 mounts. With a D&D bellhousing spacer, the ford T5 rear trans mount sits directly above the stock B trans crossmember. I plan to cut off the stock trans brackets on the MGB crossmember and adapt a stock mustang trans mount to fit.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2017 09:04AM by RDMG.

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