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Norbert Sliwinski
(11 posts)

08/04/2018 08:01PM

Main British Car:
1973 MGB GM 3.2l V6

Mini Headlights?
Posted by: 7399MGM
Date: March 06, 2019 04:57PM

Has anyone tried to install Mini Cooper headlights in a MBG?

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4578 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

authors avatar
Re: Mini Headlights?
Posted by: Moderator
Date: March 06, 2019 10:57PM

I don't know about Neon headlights... but this article shows the Dodge Neon headlights Dennis McIntyre installed in his MGB.

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