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M Krzyzek

(7 posts)

06/13/2017 09:30AM

Main British Car:
1976 MGB

Snow White Ford Small Block short water pump
Posted by: ranger240
Date: June 26, 2019 01:51PM

Does anyone have any experience with this setup?

it uses an Opel pump with an adapter and ends up being even shorter than the Ford short water pump.



The cost of that kit is comparable to the cost of Ford short water pump and CVF pulleys. The advantage is that replacement Opel water pumps are dirt cheap (under $30).

The only issue for our application that i'm wondering about is clearance between the supplied crank pulley and the MGB steering rack. It also puts the lower radiator hose on the passenger side (of a LHD car).


Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

authors avatar
Re: Snow White Ford Small Block short water pump
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: June 26, 2019 03:15PM

Reduced coolant flow?


Caleb Newcome
(18 posts)

05/01/2019 07:00PM

Main British Car:
1974 MGB GT Ford 302

Re: Snow White Ford Small Block short water pump
Posted by: Nukem
Date: December 19, 2019 10:49AM

Any chance you ended up giving this a try?

Dennis Costello
Central Iowa
(192 posts)

12/29/2007 02:53PM

Main British Car:
'73 TR 6 '97 Explorer 5.0

Re: Snow White Ford Small Block short water pump
Posted by: IaTR6
Date: December 26, 2019 10:32PM

Just for consideration, the Ford Explorer front dress. I chose the Explorer for my TR6 specifically due to the
shortest front projection. I was concerned about the tubular front suspension brace, and wanted to avoid
recessing the block into the firewall any farther than necessary to preserve room for my big feet.
I cannot find my notes, but I'm pretty sure the distance from the block front face to the outer face of the crank
pulley/damper is 5 3/8". This is a setup that must be used together, pulley/damper, timing cover and water pump.
It is a reverse drive pump and may require a tensioner depending on your design.
I don't really know anything about the MG, but the interference with the rack might be reduced with this?

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