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engine swaps and other performance upgrades, plus "factory" and Costello V8s

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Ivor Duarte
Gloucestershire UK
(1052 posts)

02/11/2010 04:29AM

Main British Car:
1974 Land Rover Lightweight V8

MGB GT V8 + bodykit =
Posted by: 88v8
Date: August 10, 2019 05:01AM

Perhaps the best integrated body mods I've seen on a rubber bumper GT.
Bodykit? Dunno, but it looks pretty good.

Appendum: owner advises the car was originally chrome bumper. He says 'There only three of these as far as I know and one is a roadster and the other is in the USA. The company making the bodies went bust and so they are very rare. It's all metal body shell just the wings and front and rear valances are grp.'




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2019 06:09AM by 88v8.

Carl Floyd
Kingsport, TN
(4571 posts)

10/23/2007 11:32PM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB Buick 215

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Re: MGB GT V8 + bodykit =
Posted by: MGBV8
Date: August 10, 2019 10:33AM

I remember seeing one at an event here in the States somewhere. Not sure if it was one of the three. I do remember commenting that the rear flare made good place to park one's beer. ;)

Phil Ossinger
New Brunswick, Canada
(346 posts)

02/02/2009 07:58PM

Main British Car:

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Re: MGB GT V8 + bodykit =
Posted by: britcars
Date: August 10, 2019 07:06PM

Would have been nice to have a peek under the hood.

Ivor Duarte
Gloucestershire UK
(1052 posts)

02/11/2010 04:29AM

Main British Car:
1974 Land Rover Lightweight V8

Re: MGB GT V8 + bodykit =
Posted by: 88v8
Date: August 11, 2019 04:33AM

Oddly enough, I made that point to the seller, who says he's in hospital, and not even in the UK. The garage where the car's at has had it for quite a while doing or rather not doing the necessary to get it going. They are apparently due to take some engine shots and add them to the listing.
Reserve is met, so it should sell anyway, although not to me.

In the late 70s I had an MGC GT which I wrecked in a head-on, thereby enhancing the rarity value of its surviving siblings. I imagine that the cabin of the C and B are the same, it was well laid out and a nice place to be.


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