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engine swaps and other performance upgrades, plus "factory" and Costello V8s

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Jim Stabe
Jim Stabe
San Diego, Ca
(830 posts)

02/28/2009 10:01AM

Main British Car:
1966 MGB Roadster 350 LT1 Chevy

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Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: Jim Stabe
Date: December 16, 2019 05:01PM

I could build one for less than 1/2 the cost of the FF 33 roadster


Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: December 17, 2019 10:55AM

Yes, Matthew looked into that. The most valuable thing in the car is the engine. So, if you could buy one cheap with a good engine, after you sold that you wouldn't have a whole lot in the car. Or buy one with the failed engine bearing.

Of course, my usual interaction with the Porsche community tended to be a little... maybe you'd say combative? Somehow we never seemed to get along.


Carl Floyd
Kingsport, TN
(4571 posts)

10/23/2007 11:32PM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB Buick 215

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Re: Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: MGBV8
Date: December 17, 2019 11:31AM

The biggest issue will be that you will be driving a P-p-p-porsche. Spit. As Kurt Schley used to say. :)

The Chevy engine does get bonus points, however.

Jim Stabe
Jim Stabe
San Diego, Ca
(830 posts)

02/28/2009 10:01AM

Main British Car:
1966 MGB Roadster 350 LT1 Chevy

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Re: Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: Jim Stabe
Date: December 17, 2019 07:35PM

We used to call Porsches Newport Beach Volkswagens because that's all you would see the rich boys driving. Now there are enough people around who aren't afraid to cut them up that it doesn't carry quite the stigma it used to. That said, I still wouldn't be joining the club and attending their Concours.

Rick Neville

(495 posts)

12/19/2007 05:01PM

Main British Car:
1963 Austin-Healey 3000 Ford 5.0L

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Re: Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: HealeyRick
Date: December 29, 2019 10:22AM

I've looked at this, too. IIRC, the conversion works only with an "S" version which is a bit harder to find at a reasonable price.

Jim Stabe
Jim Stabe
San Diego, Ca
(830 posts)

02/28/2009 10:01AM

Main British Car:
1966 MGB Roadster 350 LT1 Chevy

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Re: Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: Jim Stabe
Date: December 29, 2019 01:05PM

The S version gives you a stronger trans, better brakes, better cooling and other upgraded features that make it better able to take the power of an LS engine. Nice Boxters are available cheap from time to time because the cost of repairing the fragile engine is often more than the car is worth. After looking more deeply into the project I found a lot of issues that made it less attractive. The Porsche is a modern computer controlled car and integrating the Chevrolet engine electronics into the German chassis electronics is no small task and with California emissions testing moving toward a plug in test, the opportunities for disaster increase geometrically. The kit itself also has its high and low points. Some pieces fit beautifully, others not so much. There are also very limited instructions so you are on your own for much of the build. The installation requires the engine to intrude into the passenger compartment through a hole cut into the Porsche firewall. I think I know how to deal with the weakening of the monocoque structure but I'm not sure there would be room left for my 6'4" frame.

If you have nothing better to do on a cold winter day, you can read this guys account of building an LS powered Boxter very much like what I was going to do. []

I have thought about widening a MGB GT about the same amount as I did the roadster and using a C5/6 Corvette drivetrain with a shortened torque tube. All the Corvette systems would remain in place like ABS and traction control and the Corvette dash could also be used. It would be a lot less work than what I did on the roadster and I think it would make a pretty nice car. Instead of making custom glass for the front and rear I would find suitable donor cars and cut out the entire frame and weld it into the body. I could also integrate a 1 1/2" full chassis roll cage into the structure that would be virtually invisible once upholstered I would have to fabricate a new tunnel and rear wheel tubs but I could leave most of the inner bodywork intact. Obviously I would have to fabricate the filler pieces for the body panels. Done properly it could look very much like a stock GT (except for the width of course).

Rob Ficalora
Willis, TX
(2764 posts)

10/24/2007 02:46PM

Main British Car:
'76 MGB w/CB front, Sebring rear, early metal dash Ford 302

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Re: Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: rficalora
Date: December 29, 2019 01:47PM

Is the goal the project or the resulting car that your wife would want to ride in? If it's the latter, maybe consider widening/modifying an Ashley style hard top to work with your roadster. Add AC to your car and you might have the best of both worlds?

Jim Stabe
Jim Stabe
San Diego, Ca
(830 posts)

02/28/2009 10:01AM

Main British Car:
1966 MGB Roadster 350 LT1 Chevy

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Re: Factory Five is out - Possible plan B
Posted by: Jim Stabe
Date: December 29, 2019 01:54PM

No windows, no outside door handles, don't want to ruin the look of the windshield frame - the car is not meant to have a top. As far as the GT idea, it would be a different car and would have different uses and it would give me the chance to explore using the Corvette chassis. The concept has fascinated me for years. Will it happen? Who knows, the stars just have to align.

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