MG Sports Cars

engine swaps and other performance upgrades, plus "factory" and Costello V8s

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Daniel Ruhe

(28 posts)

05/23/2019 12:44PM

Main British Car:

Mgb 302 swap radiator
Posted by: danielruhe
Date: February 05, 2020 03:02PM

Hi guys Im wondering what radiator and fan combos you guys are using for best results on cooling and also fitment. I moved the front shelf forward already and the engine will be mounted based on the fast cars front engine engine mounts. Whats the largest I could fit without frame modifications?

Mike Stemp
Calgary, Canada
(224 posts)

11/25/2009 07:18AM

Main British Car:
1980 MGB Rover 4.6L

Re: Mgb 302 swap radiator
Posted by: mstemp
Date: February 05, 2020 04:55PM


Best I have found is the ACP FM-ER209. Large 64-66 Mustang with 302. Just fits between the chassis rails without cutting into them. All alloy and 2 large rows of 1.25" tubes. Needs minor trimming of the mounting tabs and you will need to fab up some mounts. Depending on your year of car you may need weld in the two side radiator panels or fab you own. Nice thing with the Mustang rads are they will always be available and they are inexpensive compared to others. Volvo fans come highly recommended.

If you are willing to cut into the frame rails (yes I know its a uni-body car), Eastwood Company 19x22 triflow rad is possible and also inexpensive. Core is only 1" larger than the ACP rad though!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2020 04:55PM by mstemp.

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