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Steve Brown
Burnet, Texas
(4 posts)

09/16/2018 04:58PM

Main British Car:
1974 MGB-GT Buick 3.5l

Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge
Posted by: Steve315
Date: April 07, 2023 03:30PM

I'm in the process of connecting up my '74 MGB-GT's mechanical oil pressure gauge to my '61 Buick 3.5L's oil system. I have a question. Does the tubing from the pressure gauge to the oil pressure source need to be filled with oil? I seems to me that it might but I have no idea how one would do that. Thoughts/comments?

Carl Floyd
Kingsport, TN
(4571 posts)

10/23/2007 11:32PM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB Buick 215

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Re: Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge
Posted by: MGBV8
Date: April 07, 2023 04:47PM

Not necessary.

Fred Key
West coast - Canada
(1385 posts)

05/14/2010 03:06AM

Main British Car:
I really thought that I'd be an action figure by now!

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Re: Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge
Posted by: DiDueColpi
Date: April 13, 2023 10:36PM

Carl is absolutely right. No need to rid the air from the tubing. It might even be detrimental if you're using 1/8" tubing. A cold viscous oil in that small tubing would dramatically slow the response of the gauge vs an air filled tube. But really, if your gauge hits zero in 1/2 a second or 3. your screwed either way.

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