Healey Sports Cars

mods & upgrades for Healey (Nash, Austin, or Jensen) cars, including engine swaps

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Michael Brown

(10 posts)

10/12/2014 09:22AM

Main British Car:

steering wheel Distance
Posted by: hothealey54
Date: January 18, 2015 10:50PM

Im putting an Opel GT rack in my 100-4. I need to know what the distance is from the face of the dash to the center line of the steering wheel. Then i can cut the steering shaft to length. also does any one have a brake/clutch pedal the aluminuim piece.
healey parts 052.jpg

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2015 10:53PM by hothealey54.


(345 posts)

04/13/2010 08:13PM

Main British Car:

Re: steering wheel Distance
Posted by: BWA
Date: January 19, 2015 07:35PM

I would make the distance whatever was comfortable for a relaxed driving stance. One thing you should consider if you have not already is incorporating some type of collapse-able steering column in case of a front end collision.
I think Flaming River makes these for hotrods. These old British cars were not the safest cars around.
Could you post some more info on your project along with some photos?
keep up the good work!!


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