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B-Fast B-Strong
William Smith

(144 posts)

10/17/2009 11:28PM

Main British Car:
Bugeye Bodied Spriget

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Re: Choosing Your T-5
Posted by: B-Fast B-Strong
Date: November 01, 2009 08:20PM

The one I'm buying has 330 lb rating , they always will take more too ! I am going to have 235 -50's in back .
Already have fiberglass front sebring fenders and sebring fiberglass quarters. I think you have the hood I want.
Looks like I will be molding my own air dam and trunk lid. My roadster will not even weigh 2000 lb wet. I am going with composite leaf springs with traction bars I will make and I am pining the pinion and adding gas shocks and panhard bar. I will be building tubular A frames for the front and coilover shocks. 3.73 limited slip 31spline 8.8 ford rear end , should get me 0 to 100 pretty fast.

Brian Mc Cullough
Forest Lake, Minnesota, USA
(384 posts)

10/30/2007 02:27AM

Main British Car:
1980 MGB '95 3.4L 'L32' SFI V6, GM V6T5 & 3.42 Limi

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Re: Choosing Your T-5
Posted by: BMC
Date: November 08, 2009 07:16PM

The project sounds Fantastic and I can't wait to hear/see the continuation of it. I suggest starting a project journal here: [forum.britishv8.org]

Read the two stickies at the top. This will help people identify your project when your writing about it and give a place online to refer your friends to. The time you spend on that will help others give good input and on top of that will make it easy to have your project included in the Newsletter.


Johnny Turner

(3 posts)

03/31/2010 11:02PM

Main British Car:

need help on t-5 transmission
Posted by: mgbn
Date: April 28, 2010 12:17AM

hello all im new to the site but have looked at many post in the past. im building a 71 mgb 2.3 ford turbo engine T-5 trans and had read somewhere that to lighten it up i could use a flywheel from a 91 escort clutch and pp but after buying the kit the splines on trans dont work with clutch trans came out of 92 mustang 4 cly i believe it is world class trans used t out bearing from turbo coupe is there anyway to get a clutch disc with correct grooves or do i have to change it all back to 2.3 turbo clutch set up total hp will be around 225 to r w

Paul Menten

(242 posts)

10/08/2009 10:40AM

Main British Car:

Re: Choosing Your T-5
Posted by: pcmenten
Date: April 28, 2010 12:27AM

Welcome to the board. Note that it might take a little time before your post shows up on the board. We look foolish when we double-post.

You can probably substitute a different clutch plate with the right spline count for the one you have. You need to know the diameter of the clutch plate. If you find one with a matching diameter and the right spines, you're done.

Tracy Moore
Jacksonville, Fl
(40 posts)

11/24/2008 06:36PM

Main British Car:
71' MGB GT 350 Chevrolet

Re: Choosing Your T-5
Posted by: bplus
Date: June 16, 2010 07:24PM

G force makes T5s that will take your horse power, you tell them what
gear ratios you want. Might be worth a call in your case
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