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bill green
(74 posts)

03/22/2008 01:29PM

Main British Car:
3 1980 TR8, 1 TR7 2 Bugeye Sprite 1 MG midget TR8 3.5 and 5.0, Sprite 1098 and ?

Tvr 4.5 engine
Posted by: spridget
Date: February 08, 2010 09:05AM

I am looking for information on the TVR 4.5 engine. Is that a 3.5 block with a special crank and rods or a combination of production 4.0/4.6 parts. Or something else altogether?

Paul Menten

(242 posts)

10/08/2009 10:40AM

Main British Car:

Re: Tvr 4.5 engine
Posted by: pcmenten
Date: February 08, 2010 12:43PM

Here's some info;


Wotland Wotland

(105 posts)

01/07/2008 08:14AM

Main British Car:

Re: Tvr 4.5 engine
Posted by: Wotland
Date: February 08, 2010 01:25PM

It uses an "Iceberg" 80mm stroke crank. The crank is X-drilled and nitrured.

I have one of this crank in surplus now.

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