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John Millard
Kidderminster UK
(29 posts)

05/29/2010 04:13PM

Main British Car:
1972 MGB - 1976 MGB V8 Stock (but tuned) - Rover V8

Stainless Steel Water Hoses
Posted by: John316m
Date: May 29, 2010 04:24PM


I live in the UK and have been very impressed by the MGBs I have seen on British V8 web site, so much so I am currently builing one along the lines of the ones I have seen (not sure how some of the mods will go down with the more traditional MG guys, but ....), but sticking to the more traditional (well over here at least) Rover V8.

One item I have seen on several of the cars are what look like stainless flexible water hoses (top hose between the block and the Radiator), which appear to be a push fit.

Could anyone point me in the direction of a supplier for these

Many thanks


Graham Creswick
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
(1166 posts)

10/25/2007 11:17AM

Main British Car:
1976 MGB Ford 302

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Re: Stainless Steel Water Hoses
Posted by: ex-tyke
Date: May 29, 2010 08:18PM

Most performance parts over here are supplied by Summit Racing or Jegs,,,,url's below


Specifically, it looks like Mr. Gasket products has some hoses:

...or, as a flyer, always try ebay for info...eg.

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: Stainless Steel Water Hoses
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: May 29, 2010 09:57PM

Avoid the ones that use a tapered coupler or sizing sleeves to match up at the ends, as those can come loose at inopportune times. Just ask Dave Kirkman.


John Millard
Kidderminster UK
(29 posts)

05/29/2010 04:13PM

Main British Car:
1972 MGB - 1976 MGB V8 Stock (but tuned) - Rover V8

Re: Stainless Steel Water Hoses
Posted by: John316m
Date: May 30, 2010 02:29AM

Many thanks,

I have just had a quick look and they appear to be just what I am looking for


Kevin Jackson
Sidcup UK
(361 posts)

11/18/2007 10:38AM

Main British Car:
1975 MGB GT Rover V8 4.35L

Re: Stainless Steel Water Hoses
Posted by: castlesid
Date: May 30, 2010 08:44PM


Welcome to the dark side, in addition to this excellent forum a couple of UK forums which you will find very helpful.

For MGB related stuff. [www.british-cars.co.uk]

And for tech advice for building and modifying the Rover V8 [www.v8forum.co.uk]


John Millard
Kidderminster UK
(29 posts)

05/29/2010 04:13PM

Main British Car:
1972 MGB - 1976 MGB V8 Stock (but tuned) - Rover V8

Re: Stainless Steel Water Hoses
Posted by: John316m
Date: June 01, 2010 04:58AM

Hi Kevin,

Many thanks for the information.

Not sure if I have found the dark side or the fast track route to bankruptcy



Kevin Jackson
Sidcup UK
(361 posts)

11/18/2007 10:38AM

Main British Car:
1975 MGB GT Rover V8 4.35L

Re: Stainless Steel Water Hoses
Posted by: castlesid
Date: June 02, 2010 08:53PM


Yes it can become a bit compulsive, but I can probably offer advice which will save you money or making unnecessary mistakes, not sure what stage of your build you are at but ask away if you have any questions on engine or suspension parts and suppliers at good prices.

Last year I picked up a 3.9 half engine for £56.00! which would have been fine with a light rebuild but tore it apart, fitted a 4.2 crank, chevy type rods, bored to 95mm and fitted Keith Black Hypereutectic pistons, fitted modified Buick 300 heads, Crower 50232 cam, crane hi-rev lifters, full balance, lightened flywheel and much lightened wallet, but now have 260+ BHP with a nice free revving enging

Whereabouts in the UK are you and Chrome or rubber bumper car?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2010 08:56PM by castlesid.

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