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Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4598 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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How much of a nitrous shot will a stock Olds 215 take?
Posted by: Moderator
Date: April 02, 2008 01:43PM

I'm passing along this question I just received via e-mail from Dave Bash, because I'm personally very curious to hear any answers/ideas/opinions y'all may have:

98% of parts gathered for '78 mgb conversion: 2 Olds 215 engines, GM world class T5 trans, narrowed limited-slip Firebird rear end with disc brakes...

I need advice on olds engine build. Will a stock rebuild handle 100hp nitrous for grins?

Forged pistons cost $1200. Wow! I'm open for other options. I have 300 Buick crank/heads, etc., but thought I would save them for a 5L Rover engine build. I have more time than money!

Here's what I was able to tell David off the cuff (i.e. not much!):

Hi David!

Sounds like you've got some great ideas, and some great parts piling up too... but I can't personally help you much with questions about nitrous, as I've never played with the stuff (except inhaling it, a very long time ago.) I can only point you to two or three references:

1) This article specifically describes fitting nitrous on an Olds 215: www.britishv8.org/MG/MichaelDomanowski.htm

2) I'm sure you'll get lots more and better info on this topic if you post specific questions on our message board. Here's a direct link to the "engines" section: forum.britishv8.org/list.php?6

3) Our vendor sponsors will have insight to share on this! I'd particularly want to talk to Woody at "The Wedge Shop" on this particular question, because I think more of his customers are drag racers... but all our vendor sponsors GREAT, and they're all listed here along with contact info: www.britishv8.org/sponsors.htm (If you talk to any of these folks, PLEASE tell them I sent you. Their sponsorship is crucial for keeping British V8 online.)

All the best,

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