Moderator Curtis Jacobson Portland Oregon (4598 posts) Registered: 10/12/2007 02:16AM Main British Car: 71 MGBGT, Buick 215 |
Copyright Law Violations
If you're downloading photos from someone else's website and then uploading them to BritishV8, you're probably breaking the law. If I notice these violations, I have to delete the photos. I can't leave them on the BritishV8 server. I'm not prepared to defend BritishV8 from lawsuits. PLEASE stop and think before you post other people's photos here! If the photographer hasn't given you personal permission, don't post. If the logo of someone's business appears superimposed on the photo (e.g. as a "watermark"), don't even think for one moment of posting the photo here. Those are really obvious copyright violations! It's a flagrant violation of this message board's rules to post watermarked photos here. -Curtis (edited to "make sticky" per Todd's suggestion) Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2013 05:52PM by Moderator. |
Re: Copyright Law Violations
Shouldn't this post be stickied? |