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Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Silver Bullet 4.6 crank mod question...
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: October 06, 2008 08:44AM

So I have a sawzall...


After having a look at the back end of the 4.6 I 'm wondering... are the 6 cap screws shown in this pic an indication that there is a removable hub fastened to the crank? If so is it a "user removable" piece? I'm looking to avoid making a spacer plate for between the bell and block, to make up for the added length of the crank flange, to mount the D&D flywheel/clutch kit.
If it can be removed without great difficulty I could have the excess material machined off or will I have to go the Sawzall route?

I thought I'd attach a couple pics of my project as well. Certainly not something you see everyday on a site dedicated to V-8 powered British Sports Cars...




Thanks guys,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2008 08:54AM by Black P-38.

4.6 MGB V8
Matt T
New York
(34 posts)

12/07/2007 04:13PM

Main British Car:

Re: Silver Bullet 4.6 crank mod question...
Posted by: 4.6 MGB V8
Date: October 06, 2008 03:22PM

I'm pretty sure that the hub with the six bolts on the back of your crankshaft is the spacer that connects the crank to the automatic transmission flex plate. You should be able to remove the six bolts and take the spacer off, letting you mount the flywheel directly to the crank.

This site has some pretty good pictures of the GEMS and THOR flywheel and flexplate mounting hardware.

Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Silver Bullet 4.6 crank mod question...
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: October 06, 2008 11:42PM

THANK YOU MATT!!! Very helpful pics on that site.


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