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Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Ford EDIS , Mega Squirt and 4.6 Rover coil packs...
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: October 25, 2008 12:34PM

Does anyone know if I can use the factory Rover coil packs that came with my 4.6 in conjunction with the Mega Squirt and Ford EDIS crank trigger/ignition module or will I have to ditch them in favor of the Ford coil packs? I'm hoping there is a way to retain them as they are tucked cleanly at the rear of the intake and the factory harness is intact.

Thanks Guys,

MG four six eight
Bill Jacobson
Wa state
(326 posts)

10/23/2007 02:15AM

Main British Car:
73 MGB Buick 215, Eaton/GM supercharger

Re: Ford EDIS , Mega Squirt and 4.6 Rover coil packs...
Posted by: MG four six eight
Date: October 25, 2008 02:03PM

If the resistance of the primary windings in the coil is the same. I don't see why it wouldn't work. [www.megamanual.com]


Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Ford EDIS , Mega Squirt and 4.6 Rover coil packs...
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: October 26, 2008 11:52PM

Thank you Bill! Any advice for me on how to determine the resistance of both makes?


Nicolas Wiederhold
Minneapolis, MN
(659 posts)

10/16/2007 05:30AM

Main British Car:
'73 Vega GT 4.9L Rover/Buick Stroker

authors avatar
Re: Ford EDIS , Mega Squirt and 4.6 Rover coil packs...
Posted by: NixVegaGT
Date: October 28, 2008 08:59AM

Did you fly a night P-38? My grampa Joe flew a "J"s over Bavaria out of Sicily. I'm pretty sure it was a "J". Just wondering.

MG four six eight
Bill Jacobson
Wa state
(326 posts)

10/23/2007 02:15AM

Main British Car:
73 MGB Buick 215, Eaton/GM supercharger

Re: Ford EDIS , Mega Squirt and 4.6 Rover coil packs...
Posted by: MG four six eight
Date: October 28, 2008 08:28PM

I measured the resistance across the primary terminals, on an EDIS coil. I got 1/2 of an ohmn (.5). I don't have a Rover coil pack to test.


Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Ford EDIS , Mega Squirt and 4.6 Rover coil packs...
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: October 28, 2008 09:11PM

Hey Nick,

The user name Black P-38 is a reference to my Black '94 Ford F-150 Lightning pickup sorta like Mustang "pilots" who refer to their "Pony" as P-51... I do all my flying LOW, just about pavement elevation although my next door neighbor of many years ago did pilot the P-38 Lightnings and many others during his Air Force career.


Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Ford EDIS , Mega Squirt and 4.6 Rover coil packs...
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: October 28, 2008 09:12PM

Bill, thanks for checking that resistance for me. I'll see what the Rover coil pack reads and report back with my findings.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2008 09:13PM by Black P-38.

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