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Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Tuning 45 DCOE Webbers/copies
Posted by: roverman
Date: January 05, 2021 05:54PM

How small of chokes will fit ? Replacing 36mm, injection,( 1250 cc Suzuki Bandit). My first choice is oem, but not available now.
I've heard that Webbers are about the most tunable carb's. ? System will stay I.R., so (2) DCOE's.
Suggestions ? Thanks, Art.

Ivor Duarte
Gloucestershire UK
(1052 posts)

02/11/2010 04:29AM

Main British Car:
1974 Land Rover Lightweight V8

Re: Tuning 45 DCOE Webbers/copies
Posted by: 88v8
Date: January 07, 2021 05:44AM

Mmm, there was an enthusiasm for putting triple Webers on the Triumph 6-pot.

A US owner found they sort of ran out of the box.
Now, he was a bit of a perfectionist, and for him the AFR and transitions were not good.
He shared with us the process of going from 'sort of' to 'properly', swapping this n changing that.
In the end he described the original purchase price as a 'down payment'.

Different matter if one has a rolling road and an experienced shop with all the parts.


Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Re: Tuning 45 DCOE Webbers/copies
Posted by: roverman
Date: January 07, 2021 11:49AM

Perhaps a quick n dirty dyno, is in order ? Bandit drive train = swing arm/wheel and 15" disk brake, aka, "brake dyno". NOT for 96 hp. pulls, but enough load to sort carb's ? Mount a beam type torque wrench, to read torque at the swing-arm. If and when, I find oem. injection, perhaps (2) 45's might feed that 6V71 supercharger on a RV8 build, I'm gathering together.

Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

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Re: Tuning 45 DCOE Webbers/copies
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: January 07, 2021 11:52AM

Put four rotors on that thing and it'll do the trick. Or maybe just one off a semi.


Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Re: Tuning 45 DCOE Webbers/copies
Posted by: roverman
Date: January 07, 2021 07:16PM

OR I could put 87 octane in that Bandit and really make it- diesel.....

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