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Steve W

(8 posts)

05/14/2024 11:29AM

Main British Car:

Block Identification - Rover 3500 / 3.5 liter? shim plate?
Posted by: buickv8s
Date: May 15, 2024 07:53AM

I am having trouble identifying this block after searching on the internet for block casting / stamping numbers. The intake, timing cover, water pump, and harmonic balancer on this engine are all Buick 215 parts verified by their casting numbers. But this block is definitely not a Buick 215 block. There is no pad / ledge at the front where the Buick 215 numbers are stamped. This block has some numbers stamped at the back on the bell housing "ear."

Is this a Rover 3500 engine? Can anyone tell what year or era or size it is by these numbers?

What is the deal with the shim plate behind the flex plate - is this typical for Rover to get the correct torque converter clearance? Or is this typical for the Buick 215?

Thanks for the help!

block 1.jpg
block 2.jpg
block 3.jpg

Carl Floyd
Kingsport, TN
(4569 posts)

10/23/2007 11:32PM

Main British Car:
1979 MGB Buick 215

authors avatar
Re: Block Identification - Rover 3500 / 3.5 liter? shim plate?
Posted by: MGBV8
Date: May 15, 2024 09:47AM

Early Rover P6.


Arthur Gertz

(132 posts)

03/29/2023 08:26PM

Main British Car:

Re: Block Identification - Rover 3500 / 3.5 liter? shim plate?
Posted by: ag1234
Date: May 19, 2024 03:01PM

About that shim, likely used on the Buick 2 speed auto, (air cooled). Cooling air is drawn, centrifugal over aluminum cooling fins of bolt-together, 5 element/ Dual-path, torque convertor. Air exhaust through elephant ears, on back of block. Otherwise known a baby Dynaflow. TMI, Art.

Steve W

(8 posts)

05/14/2024 11:29AM

Main British Car:

Re: Block Identification - Rover 3500 / 3.5 liter? shim plate?
Posted by: buickv8s
Date: May 20, 2024 08:57AM

Now it makes sense why the shim is cut back at the two ears - to let more air flow through. The transmission case matches this shape.

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