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Billy Andrews
Denver, CO
(55 posts)

11/25/2008 02:28PM

Main British Car:
'80 MGB Rover 3.5

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Timing cover seal
Posted by: relative4
Date: February 07, 2009 05:27PM

The timing cover seal on my '80 SD1 V8 needs replacing. The standard auto parts chains sell Felpro part 15200 as the replacement, but it's a full 1/8" too wide to fit the timing cover. Can anyone direct me to the right seal?

Bruce Mills
Bruce Mills
Vancouver Canada
(71 posts)

11/28/2007 09:31PM

Main British Car:
1974.5 MGB Roadster 3.5 Rover

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Re: Timing cover seal
Posted by: Bruce Mills
Date: February 07, 2009 08:45PM

While searching for head gaskets last week I discovered that the gaskets are the same for all the following.

Gaskets for Buick Skylark 61-63
Buick Special Deluxe 61-63
Buick Special 61-63
Rover 3500S 69-71
MG MGB V8 75-77
MG MGB MK1V 75-77
Triumph TR8 80-81

According to D&D
"10.00 13001 Timing Cover Gaskets – For all engines, includes rope seal"

I used the following for my Rover 3.5
Timing Cover Gasket set Fel TCS 13001
Water Pump Gasket Fel 129961

Hope it helps


Billy Andrews
Denver, CO
(55 posts)

11/25/2008 02:28PM

Main British Car:
'80 MGB Rover 3.5

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Re: Timing cover seal
Posted by: relative4
Date: February 07, 2009 10:53PM

Thanks, I think I've found a couple of good alternatives to the rope seal that comes with that kit. Part ERC7987 from Moss Motors should do the job, and D&D sells part 49532 from AutoPart International; I'll check those out. VB's item 5-805 is much lower priced, so I suspect it may be a rope seal.

Richard Lilly
Fairfax, Virginia
(44 posts)

12/03/2007 10:48PM

Main British Car:
1958 MGA Buick 215 V8

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Re: Timing cover seal
Posted by: Richl705
Date: February 08, 2009 10:35PM

This is really good information. I think it would be neat if there was a place where all this info came together. There have been many times when I found that a part for an MGA, which was very high priced, was available more cheaply for a triumph, and it was the same part.

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