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Steve Melfi
Alexandria Ohio
(90 posts)

04/26/2008 07:35AM

Main British Car:
1977 MGB 302

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Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: smelfi
Date: February 22, 2009 01:49PM

I've been lurking on this site for several years and I'm hoping to get going on my 78 B conversion to a 5.0 Ford within the next month or so. I have the engine, a T5, and an 8.8 rear end. I'm making a list of parts I need and am stuck on finding the right Canton oil pan. I've been to the Canton site and can't determine which rear sump to get, there are several small block ford rear sumps listed on the site. I've searched this site and another MGB V8 site for the part number.

Anyone know the part number of the oil pan?

Steve Melfi

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4598 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

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71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: Moderator
Date: February 22, 2009 02:38PM

I don't know the part number... but I bet Pete Mantell does.

Pete actually showed two different Canton oil pans in these two articles, and both articles include photos:
Pete's 2007 tech session
Pete's 2006 tech session

Pete's contact info is here: [www.britishv8.org]

Steve Melfi
Alexandria Ohio
(90 posts)

04/26/2008 07:35AM

Main British Car:
1977 MGB 302

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: smelfi
Date: February 22, 2009 03:21PM

Thanks for the links but I looked at both articles in search of a part number a few days ago.

kelly stevenson
Southern Middle Tennessee
(985 posts)

10/25/2007 09:37AM

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: kstevusa
Date: February 23, 2009 08:09AM

Perhaps you would consider a Ford Bronco rear sump pan. they have their own pick up and will fit the application. these come from early 80's and have been used in some conversions. i just took the 5.0 mustang pan and cut the front hump out and replaced with sheet metal and added a reworked pickup from a rear sump 5.0
Just a thought.

John Barilaro
Red Sox Nation!
(60 posts)

11/02/2007 08:29AM

Main British Car:
1977 MGB Ford 302/5L

Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: jbarila
Date: February 23, 2009 05:15PM

I have a canton pan but went with the Bronco pan instead because I already had the correct pickup. I was given the Canton and plan on selling it. The Bronco pan fit perfectly and was really cheap.

Steve Melfi
Alexandria Ohio
(90 posts)

04/26/2008 07:35AM

Main British Car:
1977 MGB 302

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: smelfi
Date: February 24, 2009 12:30PM

Thanks for the inputs and ideas guys. Since my original post on this I went to the Jegs web site and found about 10 or so small block ford rear sump pans listed. When I get some time I'll go to the manufacturers sites for more in depth descriptions and specs on those pans.

John, I haven't discounted the Bronco pan idea you suggested.


Rob Ficalora
Willis, TX
(2764 posts)

10/24/2007 02:46PM

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'76 MGB w/CB front, Sebring rear, early metal dash Ford 302

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: rficalora
Date: February 25, 2009 10:14PM

Not the Canton one, but a ford racing one... [www.amazon.com]

I wasn't even aware there was a rear sump pan/pick-up... how shallow is it? E.g., does it enable doing the Ford 5.0 w/o modifying the cross member? Can't imagine it's that shallow, but figured I'd ask.

Steve Melfi
Alexandria Ohio
(90 posts)

04/26/2008 07:35AM

Main British Car:
1977 MGB 302

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: smelfi
Date: February 26, 2009 07:32AM


When I clicked on the amazon link it went to a ford 429/460 oil pan.
In the jegs online catalog I've found around ten 5.0 rear sump pans, most manufactured by Moroso. I'm considering either a Bronco pan or the Moroso part number 20521. I'm pretty sure the cross member still needs modified with both. The rear sump pans sort of have two sumps, a shallow one about 6 1/2 inches deep in the front for oil pump clearance, and the main sump in the rear.
By the way, I think I'll finally be welding those engine mounts on that I bought from you quite a while back.

Steve Melfi

Bill Young
Bill Young
Kansas City, MO
(1337 posts)

10/23/2007 09:23AM

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'73 MG Midget V6 , '59 MGA I6 2.8 GM, 4.0 Jeep

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: Bill Young
Date: February 26, 2009 02:29PM

Guys, I'm no Ford expert but what's the difference in pans between a 302 and a 351 Windsor? Speedway auto has rear sump "claimer" pans for the 351W with pickups for around $100. [www.speedwaymotors.com]

Graham Creswick
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
(1166 posts)

10/25/2007 11:17AM

Main British Car:
1976 MGB Ford 302

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Re: Canton oil pan part number
Posted by: ex-tyke
Date: February 26, 2009 03:10PM

As far as I know, the SBF motors will always have at least a small sump in front to accomodate the oil pump drive... as found typically in a Fox body Mustang....profile attached.
Oil pan.jpg

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