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Mr. T
Tony Andrews
Kent Island, Maryland
(153 posts)

10/23/2007 03:59PM

Main British Car:
'75 mgb, '74 grille, morspeed bumpers Rover 3.9

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Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: Mr. T
Date: February 28, 2009 08:43PM

Chris Jones
Denver, Colorado
(36 posts)

10/24/2007 03:11PM

Main British Car:
1967 MGB Tourer 215 c.i. Buick

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Re: Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: 67MGBV8
Date: March 01, 2009 12:20PM


James Heisey
Wine Counrty. CA
(13 posts)

08/27/2008 09:52PM

Main British Car:
'70 Rover P6B

Re: Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: jheis
Date: March 01, 2009 09:30PM

....and it's under $30K!

Bill Young
Bill Young
Kansas City, MO
(1337 posts)

10/23/2007 09:23AM

Main British Car:
'73 MG Midget V6 , '59 MGA I6 2.8 GM, 4.0 Jeep

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Re: Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: Bill Young
Date: March 03, 2009 04:47PM

Tony, if it has lumps in it it's not drool! ;-)
Neat design but a bit useless for most LBCs, just not enough torque to make it a real viable street engine. Maybe in a Locost, but even in a Midget it would need some really low gearing to pull the weight.

Ian Metcalf
Milton Keynes, UK
(36 posts)

08/15/2009 12:57PM

Main British Car:
1955 MG Magnette 427ci Chevy

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Re: Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: 427ZA
Date: October 02, 2009 09:46PM

I know I'm dragging this thread up from the depths of the forum but, by coincidence, I've just been reading about this very engine over on the Landspeed forum.

There's an Australian team that want to use this engine in a motorcycle streamliner but it's caused a huge debate as to wheteher or not it's actually still a motorcycle engine or if it's purely for cars...it's become a very heated and contentious debate.

The SCTA have ruled that it will count as a motorcycle engine even though it won't actually fit in one purely on the basis that the majority of the internal components are Hyabusa....it's effectively two engines bolted together.

Personally, if I had the money, I'd be fitting it in something like a replica lightweight EX186 or something along those lines.

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4598 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Re: Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: Moderator
Date: October 03, 2009 12:06AM

"replica lightweight EX186"

I like the way you think!

Tony Hoffer
(323 posts)

10/15/2007 05:25PM

Main British Car:
Olds 215 EFI

Re: Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: hoffbug
Date: October 04, 2009 08:03AM

Maybe this thing will need an upgrade?


Art Gertz
Winchester, CA.
(3188 posts)

04/24/2009 11:02AM

Main British Car:
74' Jensen Healy, 79 Huff. GT 1, 74 MGB Lotus 907,2L

Re: Hayabusa V8 - prepare to drool!
Posted by: roverman
Date: October 04, 2009 11:59AM

Ok, so it's waay beyond burning rice, but I looked at the animation, and the flywheel spins opposite of crank? Is this part of the patent? I'm droolin, but itsa "age" thing. At hp-per-$, I have no Yen for this, roverman.

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