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MG four six eight
Bill Jacobson
Wa state
(326 posts)

10/23/2007 02:15AM

Main British Car:
73 MGB Buick 215, Eaton/GM supercharger

Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: MG four six eight
Date: March 12, 2009 01:29AM

Do latter model Rover engines use a cam sensor/oil pump drive? Instead of a distributor? I need to find or make an oil pump drive/cam sensor set-up. Planning on updating to sequential fuel injection, when Mega-squirt releases they're sequencer.


Kevin Jackson
Sidcup UK
(361 posts)

11/18/2007 10:38AM

Main British Car:
1975 MGB GT Rover V8 4.35L

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: castlesid
Date: March 12, 2009 05:33AM


You can use one of the later front covers from a Thor or Gems engine on an earlier block. These have provision for a cam sensor on the front of the cover but unsure what the pick up actually reads from.

The oil pump is crank driven and far better than the old system but you need to have the crank machined for a longer key to drive the oil pump.

Presumably you already have a 36 - 1 trigger wheel installed, if not you can fit one on the back of the crank pulley.

There are other issues re how all the ancillaries are driven, serpentine system and this can be a bit of a nightmare when mixing and matching as the later heads have different bolt patterns for the brackets

To be honest, I'm not sure the very marginal gains would be worth all the trouble, the oil pump system is probably the greatest gain especially if the engine is used at high RPM or for racing.


Kevin Jackson
Sidcup UK
(361 posts)

11/18/2007 10:38AM

Main British Car:
1975 MGB GT Rover V8 4.35L

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: castlesid
Date: March 12, 2009 05:47AM


As an afterthought, you may not be able to use the late front covers with the earlier engine because the 4.0 and 4.6 engines have a longer snout on the cranks, so you may be restricted to using an interim cover which was fitted on some 3.9 engines which has the crank driven oil pump but not the cam sensor.

I'm just in the process of getting a Hotwire based EFI system together and have just acquired a Megasquirt 1 V3 and just need a few more bits to complete the plumbing and the ignition side. How do you like yours and was it difficult to get properly mapped?


Jim Blackwood
9406 Gunpowder Rd., Florence, KY 41042
(6508 posts)

10/23/2007 12:59PM

Main British Car:
1971 MGB Blown,Injected,Intercooled Buick 340/AA80E/JagIRS

authors avatar
Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: BlownMGB-V8
Date: March 12, 2009 08:44AM

Here is one option Bill:



I'm sorry I don't have a better photo. It's a stock distributor cut down and fitted with an o-ring, copper tubing cap, and Ford VR sensor. The end of the shaft has a finger welded to it which acts as a tooth for the pickup and also a stop for the shaft.

Having said that, I'm not sure an upgrade to sequential buys you anything. The automakers did it for emissions control at idle.


MG four six eight
Bill Jacobson
Wa state
(326 posts)

10/23/2007 02:15AM

Main British Car:
73 MGB Buick 215, Eaton/GM supercharger

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: MG four six eight
Date: March 13, 2009 01:23AM

Thanks guys
I probably will stick with the front cover I am using now. Since the blower drive system is fabricated around it's shape and mounting boss positons.
I do like the Mega-squirt system, mainly for it's adaptability to almost any engine combination. That said, there was a bit of learning curve for me. Some of it was because of my "non-standard" engine combination, and also because I had never used Mega-squirt before. The tuning the car part comes to me easier than the software/PC part of it. But once you get to play around with it, and get a feel for it. Its pretty easy to use. I do HIGHLY recommend a wide band O2 sensor set-up though, makes tuning so much more easier/faster.
I think I'll build something similiar to what you have for a cam sensor. I picked up a Ford V6 cam sensor out of the wrecking yard. I think I'll use part of it, and part of a BOP dist.
Anyone have BOPR dist for sale cheap?! Dosn't matter what year, or if the advance works. I'll cut that part off.
Mainly I'm looking to improve the fuel mileage and clean up the low load/speed driveability. Squential injection should help this area out, by allowing me more "tuning room" in the bottom of the VE table! I'm looking forward to when they release the squencer so I can try it out!

Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: March 27, 2009 03:56AM

The Rover 4.0 I am swapping into my 91 Ford Ranger has a cam position sensor but the main igniton data comes from the 36-1 trigger setup integrated into the flexplate, read by a crank position sensor mounted through the block on the drivers side.
I'll be running a Camaro T-5 trans so the flexplate is not an option for me. I have a machined aluminum plug to eliminate the cam position sensor in the timing cover as it's not needed for my application.

I'm in the process of converting to a more conventional 36-1 trigger wheel mounted behind the crank balancer/serp pulley. I have collected all the pieces for the Ford EDIS-8 conversion and will be running the Megasquirt II 3.57 ECU.

I have a Buick dizzy if you still need one, let me know...


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2009 03:59AM by Black P-38.

Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: March 27, 2009 04:07AM

Here are a few pics of my project...
Balancer conversion pieces.jpg

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2009 04:11AM by Black P-38.

Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: March 27, 2009 04:27AM

Here are a few more pics...pardon the grunge...
Not very British I know but Powered by Brit!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2009 04:30AM by Black P-38.

MG four six eight
Bill Jacobson
Wa state
(326 posts)

10/23/2007 02:15AM

Main British Car:
73 MGB Buick 215, Eaton/GM supercharger

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: MG four six eight
Date: March 28, 2009 02:38AM

Looks good Mike!
Yes, I'm still looking for a Buick dist. The plan is leave my current oil pump drive in the car, so I can drive it. Then I can take my time while I build the new cam sensor/oil pump drive.
I most likely will make a housing out of billet aluminum, but could use the dist for measurement purposes and use the center shaft.
I picked up a Ford 60* V6 cam sensor from a local wrecking yard. It is nice and compact and looks like it will be fairly easy to adapt it to a custom made oil pump drive (dummy dist) housing!
Let me know how much you want for the dizzy!

Black P-38
Mike Caldwell
(51 posts)

09/18/2008 12:56AM

Main British Car:
None Squirrel Cage & 2 Squirrel

Re: Cam sensor for Rover engines?
Posted by: Black P-38
Date: March 28, 2009 12:47PM

Thanks Bill, getting there slow but sure. Ranger will be 2600# complete so no match for an MG but it will certainly haul more! :-)

Sounds like a great project, look forward to seeing some pics. Sent you a PM about dizzy.

I'm anxious to get the Megasquirt II installed and enthused about the EDIS system as well. I don't have the ECU yet but I do have the optional relay board so I'll be able to build my harness and wire everything to the board. Once I get the MSII all I'll have to do is mount it and plug in the connector cable!


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