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Richard Brengman
No. Nevada
(401 posts)

01/17/2014 07:47PM

Main British Car:
1969 Triumph GT6+ 225" Buick V6

GT6 - Spitfire frame redesign?
Posted by: Richard/SIA
Date: March 26, 2015 11:57PM

Fairly frustrated in trying to get the Buick V6 to sit as low as I want.
The front mounted oil pump and narrow frame rails keep being the big issues.

Oil pump wants to foul the front suspension support, steering rack is right where the front damper needs to go, and the narrow frame will have too little left if I notch it to fit the T5 to sit as low as I want.

Others have put the longer BOP V8 in, so I know this CAN be done.

Thinking of going radical, replace most of the frame that is not the serialized bit.

Would like to see more detail on those BOP V8 conversions.

Phil Ossinger
New Brunswick, Canada
(346 posts)

02/02/2009 07:58PM

Main British Car:

authors avatar
Re: GT6 - Spitfire frame redesign?
Posted by: britcars
Date: April 06, 2015 10:14PM

You'll find a couple here as well as a Chev v6 and a Chev v8 among others.


Richard Brengman
No. Nevada
(401 posts)

01/17/2014 07:47PM

Main British Car:
1969 Triumph GT6+ 225" Buick V6

Re: GT6 - Spitfire frame redesign?
Posted by: Richard/SIA
Date: April 15, 2015 04:12AM

The Carsten Spitfire is CLOSE to what I'm trying to do.
Wish some of the pics were larger.
Trying to keep it all under a stock GT-6 bonnet.
Being shorter the V6 should be easier.
I have little time at the moment but will want to get back to this soon.

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