Bodywork, Paint, Interior, Trim, & Wiring

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Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4590 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

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Forum Policies - Please Read Before Posting
Posted by: Moderator
Date: October 19, 2007 04:29PM

Welcome to The British V8 Forum!

In order to make your stay more pleasant and constructive, please take a few minutes to read through this document.

1) The British V8 Forum welcomes and invites ALL enthusiasts of all performance-modified British sports cars. Despite our name, we don’t in any way wish to discourage or exclude people who prefer or possess engines of non-V8 configuration. To many of us, our name is a valued old trademark that simply harkens back to yesteryear when the term “V8” was virtually synonymous with “high performance”.

2) Please read up before asking a question. Our website includes a searchable archive of literally hundreds of articles. A Google search box at the bottom of every single page will help you find answers to many “frequently asked questions”. Additionally, a Forum search tool has been provided to help you find out if a question has been asked before… and what the answer was then.

3) Be nice to other people. If you don’t have something nice to say on a subject, don’t say anything at all. (Keep in mind that we can remove any message or thread, and we can block future access to the forum to anyone who breaks the rules we included on our “registration” page. Our enforcement of these rules may not be fair or balanced. That’s our prerogative.) Our board is designed and intended to serve a very diverse community. Everyone is welcome, provided they follow the rules – even self-proclaimed MG or Triumph “purists”! Please respect that another person’s views may be different from your own.

4) It's a good idea to read a few topics and get to know the forum before you post.

5) Advertising of products or services isn’t allowed in this forum. There are only two exceptions: (1) we allow and encourage professional vendors to purchase advertisements that clearly look like advertisements, and (2) we have a clearly-designated “Classified Ad” section. (The Classified Ad section has its own, additional rules. Please read them before you use it!) Product selection advice and testimonials are generally okay… but if you think you might be “pushing the line,” you’ve probably already crossed it.

6) If you're asking for help with your vehicle, make sure to include LOTS of detail and anything else that is relevant to the question. Fill out your Member Profile and add your vehicle so it shows up to the left of your posts. You’ll get better results! If you have a completed engine swap, don’t forget to fill out a “How It Was Done” article for our Newsletter and Photo Gallery!

7) Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention. Please try to use correct spelling and grammar.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send me a “private message”. Please keep in mind that moderating this forum isn't a paying job, and also sometimes I have to take several days off from it at a time.

Thank you for your interest and cooperation. We hope you enjoy The British V8 Forum!


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