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Mike Gwizdek

(1 posts)

12/18/2019 09:47AM

Main British Car:

Triumph GT6 Roll Cage
Posted by: GR5
Date: December 18, 2019 09:55AM

Hello All,

I'm new here. I'm building a '69 GT6 vintage race car and I'm at the point in which I need a roll cage fabricated. Does anyone know of any race shops near me (or within a reasonable distance) that has experience fabricating roll cages for the GT6? I am located in the Milwaukee, WI area.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Todd Kishbach

(390 posts)

12/04/2009 07:42AM

Main British Car:

Re: Triumph GT6 Roll Cage
Posted by: tr8todd
Date: December 19, 2019 07:36AM

Look at the regional SCCA message board or forum for your area. If you were closer to Mass, I would lend a hand. Don't know anybody specifically in your area. Maybe search race results and reach out to any local Spitfire/GT6 racers. I see more old Spitfire/GT6/TR6 race cars pop up for sale than I hear about somebody building new ones. The only new British builds that seem to be happening are TR8s and MGB V8s, because of recent inclusions and classification changes.

Curtis Jacobson
Portland Oregon
(4595 posts)

10/12/2007 02:16AM

Main British Car:
71 MGBGT, Buick 215

authors avatar
Re: Triumph GT6 Roll Cage
Posted by: Moderator
Date: December 19, 2019 11:06PM

I'm aware that Wolf Motorsports in Elkhart Lake does some racecar fabrication, but I don't know them or their work. I'd give them a visit, and see how that goes.

Among shops that specialize in British sportscars and also have an interest in racing, the closest that comes to top of mind is Quality Coaches, in Minneapolis. What's that... 375 miles? You can see some of their work here: [www.britishracecar.com] (Randy works at Quality Coaches, or at least he used to back when I met him and photographed his car.)

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